:||: Journey To Nowhere :||:

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"If we don't, they will eventually kill us." I grunted, looking for the bike which was crushed under the broken rubble. Okura simply nodded and grabbed my arm, "Let's go. We will find another ride, but we need to leave." She urgently tugged me, "like now!" I jumped to follow and on my way, I picked my sword and dagger up, putting each in their sheathes. We quickly walked out of what was left of the barn and started heading down the road, keeping up our pace.

"You know that if we cross that wall...Then there is no way back..It's one way in, no way out." Okura murmured, looking over to me as we took a detour into the woods so it would be harder for us to be tracked, "That means you'll be giving up everything that you have worked up for," She paused, "You'll be giving up Darkfyre.." She added.

I sighed, "Okura, he's done with me. He's made it perfectly clear. All I can do is let him go and let him be happy.." I said, quickening my pace.

Okura looked like she knew something that I didn't know, "yeah.." She mumbled.

I narrowed my eyes, "What?" But she immediately shook her head, "Nothing..."

Did she know more than she was telling me? I quickly shook my head. No, she wouldn't do that. She wouldn't lie to me, I thought, smiling at her some.

"Come on, we better speed up and get farther from the road." I persisted, grabbing hold of her hand and pulling her deeper in the trees. The woodland seemed ominously quiet, it made me uncomfortable and at unease. We paused, now that even the sound of our footsteps were nonexistent, all that could be heard was the susurration of the leaves in the gusty wind. And as I looked to the light sky above, I was captivated by the myriad of fluttering and flipping leaves that danced in the soft, whistling, breeze.

"It's so beautiful.." Okura whispered.

"yea.." I looked back down and started walking again, pulling my hood back over my head.

"What the hell..? Look Okura! Over there!" I bellowed, jumping some and running forward. Under the dark lighting of the woodland there was a corpse. It was a woman, her dried blood covering the once pretty, yellow-gold and brown fall leaves. Her light red-brunette hair was scattered and torn from her scalp, what was still attached her head was sticking together in nasty, greasy locks. The skin on her head was torn and mangled, lathered with dark black and crimson blood. She had big hazel eyes there stared up wide and sightlessly at the canopy in the sky as if she were in terror during her last moments. One of her legs was blown off and at least twelve feet away. And the smell. The smell was the most disturbing thing that I had ever smelled. My heart pounded from my ears as one questions posed itself in my mind: Who did this? Okura squealed, covering her nose and creeping closer to the mangled body.

"Be careful!" I urged, unsure of what this was or who was around.

"Lilith...This is Freya.." Okura looked at me with grievous eyes. Freya was Okura's step-sister; They were never really close. More like they hated one another, but it was still her family. I was starting to step closer to comfort her, then there was a loud explosion. My ears rang, painfully so.

"Fuck!" Okura jumped and then there was another. I got up and broke into a run, back to where we stood safely before.

"Get your ass over here so you don't end up like Freya!" I screamed falling, the next burst of noise overpowered me. For a minute I couldn't see her through the rising smoke.

"Okura!!" She ran, tripping over my body, but fell to a safe spot as another burst broke apart the ground. I could hear her awkward breathing, almost like a chuckle. Did I hear her correctly? Was she laughing?

"Who thinks to put a land mine in a random area in the woods?" She laughed hard, pushing her hands into the ground and sitting up. I grunted and sat up as well, "Someone who's claimed this territory as their own.." I answered, looking at the mine field.

"We are going to have to take a detour, again." I groaned, almost tired of the constant running, "It will take much too long to navigate through this shit. One of us will end up like that..." I held my leg, making sure that nothing cut open the bandages that I just randomly tied around to stop the bleeding. It took me a minute of sitting there, letting the ringing in my ears calm a bit before I stood up, helping Okura up. Just looking around I could see more dents in the dirt. Freya's body had been blown and pulled apart to an even greater extent.

"Are you okay?" I quizzed. Luckily, Okura nodded, "I'm okay." For a moment later she stared at Freya for a moment, frowning.

"Let's go.." She whispered. I took a silent second to grieve the young girl then turned back the way we came trekking before. I didn't want to die in such a petty way. If I have survived the capture and if I survived Kenley and Charles, then this can't be what takes my life.

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