:||: Falling :||:

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"Lilith..Look at me..We aren't safe yet, I need you to get up." Okura kneeled in front of me and held my face. We were outside it looked like, underground maybe. The secret tunnels!!

"W-what's happening..?" I groaned, struggling to breath as I got up from the dirt, holding my bloody stomach.

"I'll explain later; I just need you to trust me. I am not able to carry you in these tunnels." She hurried, helping me up, handing me my assassin's coat and my bag, "I figured you'd want this stuff. Or need it." Okura let go of me as I held myself up with a wince and she turned to a bolted, metal door and put her handprint in so it would open. I put on my coat and pulled my hood up, which hid my face and weakly pulled my dagger from my bag, putting it where it belonged. My sword! I felt a spark of thankfulness slowly bloom inside me as I put it on my hip, under the cloak. But still one problem, now they would know where we were. I stumbled through the door with Okura beside me

"I'm sorry about Darkfyre.." She whispered, making me flinch and emotionally crash.

"I'm fine...I mean; I will be fine." I muttered as we walked the long straight of dirt and gravel. And then, an alarm loudly rang out and the door we entered automatically slammed shut behind us. It was a lockdown. They knew we were leaving. Or trying at least.

"Run!" I hissed, yanking Okura's arm. We both went running to the end where there was a big opening with a huge, rocky cliff that had a deep, deadly drop into the ocean. I felt pain searing all over, making me want to collapse. But I knew Okura wouldn't allow that. Okura had kept one arm around me, ready to yank me to my feet if I slipped.

"Halt!" There was a yell from behind us. Kenley. She started racing after us and the next thing I knew Okura had jumped off the cliff and into the cold, slicing water below. And so, I followed. I flung myself off the cliff side. I screamed as I dropped through the open air like a meteor falling from outer space, but it was a scream of exhilaration rather than the fear that you'd imagine would be writhing inside my gut. The wind resisted, trying to go against the unconquerable gravity, pushing against my hurting body and twirling me in spirals like a falling star that came crashing to the Earth.

Hell yes. The words pierced through my head as I broke through the surface of the water. It was icy, colder than I had ever imagined, and yet the chill only added to the intoxication that was swimming inside my lungs. I was proud of myself, that I could face my acute fear of heights, as I plunged deeper into the deadly cold, pitch black water that looked as if it was menacingly welcoming me to my deathbed with open arms. And yet, I wasn't feeling not one moment of terror- just pure adrenaline. Then shortly after the impact left a stinging pain in my wounds. That was when the current had caught a hold of me, cold and stinging my skin like a million tiny razor blades dancing on my body. I had been so preoccupied by the size of the sheer faces of the cliff that I hadn't worried at all about the dark water waiting to pull me under to what could be my death. I never dreamed that the true monster was lurking far beneath me, under the roaring waves that crashed over me every time that I broke the surface for a gasp of air, trying to yank me farther under. It felt like the waves were fighting over me, jerking me back and forth as if determined to start ripping my, already, mangled body in two. Pain ached in the lashes in my back and the angry water was black and dead in every direction; There was no brightness to direct me upwards. I fought to keep my breath in, to keep my lips locked around my last store of oxygen that was in my shriveling lungs. I could feel the cold water numbing my fingertips, toes, and nose. And then a hard wave of fuzziness crashed through me, leaving me flailing helplessly in the ocean depth.

"Lilith!" I heard Okura's voice so I forced my arms to continue reaching, my legs to kick harder. Even though my ears were flooded with the freezing water, her voice was clearer than ever. It hit me solidly across the chest, slamming into me like an iron bar, and the breath whooshed out of my lungs, escaping into a cloud of silver bubbles as I resurfaced.

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