4 - Blood Popsicles

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The sound of a cane tapping sturdily against the thick wooden door awoke Jai-Jai. The book she'd been reading fell to the ground as she got up from the couch, groggily rubbing her eyes. A few bugs attracted by the candlelight flew in as Madin stepped through the front door. She offered him to sit, but the old vampire shook his head and politely declined. His hand tightly gripped the crow skull on the top of his cane and he looked her straight in the eyes.

"We're departing to the Low Lands - tomorrow."

She didn't acknowledge his statement and swatted a bug away from her face, "I heard there was an attack north of here. Hunters?"

"Humans were spotted, but they weren't hunters."

Jai-Jai paused before answering, "Could it be Them?"

"They attacked with man-made weapons, not fire."

"A ruse to get my guard down?"

"Maybe. But humans have appeared all around the globe, in substantial numbers. A High Council meeting has been called."

"The High Council is gathering because of humans?"

Madin avoided her gaze. "You're welcome to travel with us. My protection spells do not spread far; it would be safer for you to stay close." Madin looked at her tenderly now.

Sighing, she leaned down and picked up her book from the floor. Straightening out a bent page, she set it on the coffee table and rubbed her aching temples. Too many variables on what could go wrong were filtering through her head, calculating the correct path to follow was impossible.

"I'll start packing."

Letting himself out, Madin spoke over his shoulder, "We leave first thing in the morning." The door shut silently behind him.

Jai-Jai placed both hands on her face, pulling down on her cheeks while groaning loudly. There wasn't just Sen to worry about now, but leaving this place would raise her chances of being found. How could she have been so impulsive as to engage with Madin's son?

She threw herself onto her bed and snuggled deep into her pillow, eyes shut. Thinking back, Sen had stood out from the bloody scene like a sore thumb; he was so clean in a place so dirty. His bright blue eyes had stared intently at her, watching her every move. They were a stark contrast to his dark hair and olive-toned skin.

He's beautiful, she had thought.

And dangerous, her subconscious taunted. Should have just walked away.

"I should have done a lot of things. So shut up."

You never listen to me anyway.

"I sure don't," Jai-Jai whispered to herself. Sleep was heavy on her eyelids and she didn't fight its call.


The sun had barely risen when her cottage door squeaked open for the last time. Breathing in the fresh morning air, she looked up; her eyes taking in the shades of pink and orange the sky had turned. Sunrise had always calmed her. It was the quiet before the world awakens. Except a few birds chirping, welcoming the dawn, the silence surrounding her filled Jai-Jai with a few rare moments of peace.

Pulling her door shut she stood back and looked at the old house. Her hardened features softened as a surprising amount of sadness filled Jai-Jai when she gazed at the flower beds she'd spent the last five years tenderly caring for. Standing for a minute she allowed herself to feel before pulling her bag over her shoulder, her facial features neutralizing. Her eyes widened a little when she turned to find Mara behind her.

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