37 - Oh, Say Can You See?

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Everything was a mess. Alanis' fingers gripped handfuls of her hair as she sat across from Twig, nearly cross-eyed and delirious. "How are we goin' tae get them tae makeup? It has been two weeks and they havenna made up yet. A told ye we should have let someone else tell her."

Twig tapped the table twice and her turn ended with little fuss. "I had nothing to do with picking straws, that was all you."

Beady eyes darted between the two young women as the teen bit his lip and threw in a button to the pile. "Don't blame me for this mess. A suggestion was said, but no one had to listen to me."

Rhistel glared at her cards first and then Tom. The button she dropped onto the pile clinked when it hit the thimble. The boy gave her a tight grin and showed his hand. Both Twig and Alanis grumbled and threw their cards down. There was no way to beat the teen's double pair. He looked lovingly at the small fortune he'd just won; three buttons, two written promises for chore trading, and a thimble with a small spool of thread. "Pleasure doing business with you all. And of course, I'll be seeing the top deck shine like one of those fairytale castles in the books? I think I'll enjoy my free time not having to peel potatoes either. Call me anytime you want to play again."

Leaning back in her chair, Alanis had to grab the table when she went a little too far back and nearly fell.  "A refuse tae scrub tha' deck."

"Well, I did it last time so it's your turn to suck it up," said Twig.

Alanis groaned. "Why do we keep on playin' for stakes when we never win?"

"Because there's nothing else to do on this Gods forsaken boat. Nearly a month of open water would turn even the sanest of people mad." Twig lay her head down on the table, shutting her eyes. Her wings glittered in the sunlight shining through the circle windows letting only a little light into the dark underbelly of the ship. Alanis had always found Twig's wings beautiful, often wishing she had a pair of her own when she was younger. "I just want to be off of this stupid piece of wood."

"Ye and me both, my friend."

The faint sound of a bell came from above them. Footsteps rushed from every corner of their floating abode and went towards it.

"A wonder what's happening," muttered Alanis. She followed Twig out of the room, running into her sister and Kraneia on the way up. Jai-Jai was nearby, but she kept her distance, following more than a few steps behind the group.

Rhistel pushed past everyone, not caring for the men yelling profanities at her. Following closely in her sister's shadow, Alanis slunk to the front of the crowd. She saw the land only seconds before someone up high on the crow's nest screamed, "Land ho-!"

Two simple words and six letters never sounded so sweet to Alanis. The first time hearing them a wave of bliss spread over her body, but the second time was better than the first. Every cell in her body screamed to be let free and run on grass. To smell something other than seaweed and salty wind which irritated her skin when it was gusty. Her mouth went dry as her taste buds longed to taste something other than fish and pickles. 

"What a waste of a poker win," grumbled Tom. He didn't look pleased to still be stuck with his work.

Alanis couldn't help but stick her tongue out at him. The happy feeling inside of her made her laugh for no reason and she didn't care. The joyous celebrations from the crew only aided the smile that was now hurting her cheeks.

"I can't wait to see women again," someone commented.

Rhistel kicked their shin. "And what are we? Chopped liver?"

"Have you looked in a mirror recently? More man than woman with that slick head of yours."

"We're still in no-mans-land. A could burn ye alive and it wouldna matter. Cannae do shiet about it." Flames danced on Rhistel's fingers and she looked pleased with herself when the man cowered away.

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