5 - Battle of the Beasts

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Jai-Jai could feel the blood draining from her face as she stared at the black-haired beast heading towards her. Small, beady eyes followed her every movement, ears pinned back as it made a grunting sound in her direction.

The others had already mounted and headed into the forest. The sound of a huffing horse drew Jai-Jai's eyes up. She could see Sen not far off, staring. She wanted to snip at the vampire, but she had other battles to face at that moment. The animal and human kept their distances; Jai-Jai's body tensed as she looked ready to run if the beast made any attempt to get closer.

"Why are you wasting time? Get on," Sen called out to her.

Jai-Jai stood her ground, making no effort.

"You're afraid of horses, aren't you?"

"I am not," Jai-Jai snapped.

"Then mount the beast and let's go."

Jai-Jai took one slow step towards it, "I can't get close this stupid animal," The horse lowered its head as its neck snaked back and forth, hind leg raised. "Without it doing that," Her eyebrows knotted together, and the frustration in her voice was evident.

"Do you even know how to ride a horse?"

Jai-Jai stayed silent, and Sen knew the answer.

"You don't know how to ride a horse," humor-filled his voice.

Cheeks rosy, she mumbled for him to shut up.

Sen's horse seemed to laugh at her with a loud snort and hooves pawing the grass. Its rider ran a hand through his hair, his frustration with the gardener growing.


It was at this time that Madin realized the two had not joined the group and turned to circle back. Whispering chatters grew louder as he neared the stables. The dryads had come out to watch the scene unfold. Some only peaked their faces out from their host trees; others lay comfortably in their branches.

"I always knew something was weird about her," An oak dryad boasted.

Several of her sisters rolled their eyes. "What's so odd about not being able to ride a horse?"

"Who doesn't know how to ride a horse in this age? It's not like she can drive anywhere. This isn't the Old World."

A young dryad pipped up, "Well there are other ways to get around. Walking, running, boat, riding on a griffin or dragon."

The wind blowing through their leaves was the only sound heard before the girls shrieked with laughter.

"You young idiot, dragon's don't exist anymore. The last dragon skull adorns Lord Ilbryn Nerifiel's ballroom wall."

Madin tuned out the tree spirit's chatter as they continued arguing, forgetting their interest in Sen and Jai-Jai and focusing their laughter at the young tree's slip up. The vampire, however, was wholly fixated on his son and gardener. The tension between the two was almost palpable - the air static. They did not notice Madin's arrival, Jai-Jai glared at Sen while keeping an eye on the horse out of the corner of her eye. She opened her mouth, and the look in her eyes told Madin that the next words spoken wouldn't be anything sweet, so he cut in before she could talk.

"Sen help the girl up on your horse. She'll ride with you." The both of them seemed startled by his voice.

Jai-Jai found that no words could come out of her mouth. Sen had no such problem, but just as he started to protest the frown on his father's face quickly ended all arguments.

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