28 - Fizzle Out

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For the first time, Jai-Jai didn't know what to do. Hands shaking, sweat ran down her back and her head pounded. The stabbing pain from her shoulder radiated every time she moved. When Twig flew towards her, her first instinct was to retreat. The poor fairy looked in bewilderment as Jai-Jai backed into a corner. "Don't touch me."

Twig inched forward. "You're hurt."

"Don't. Touch. Me," Jai-Jai growled. Dripping water sizzled as it touched Jai-Jai. The cold press of the wall helped cool her burning skin. The anklet sent small electrical waves wherever it touched her skin, the impulses crawling up her leg felt like spiders.

You stretched us too thin. The dragon inside was thrashing with pain. She needed to calm down."Please," Jai-Jai said softer, "please, I'm okay."

"I'm flying over a puddle of your blood, which is mixing with melted witch goo, none of this is okay." With every word, Twig edged closer. "I won't touch, just let me see how bad the damage is?"

Don't let her. She'll figure it out. Should have melted that elf's eyes out, pulled her tongue from her head.

"No touching," Jai-Jai whispered.

"No touching," Twig repeated. "Are you able to walk? I need light to get a better look."

Nodding, Jai-Jai pulled herself up to stand. Pain shot through her arm like fireworks, but she ground her teeth, wiped her brow, and marched closer to the gaping hole Kraneia had created in the wall.

You're weak. This is barely a scratch. Have you forgotten already? Does Esme need to carve a couple more scales? Maybe that'll help remind you of your lessons.

"Shut up."

Twig raised an eyebrow. "I didn't say anything."

Jai-Jai took a deep breath, instantly regretting it. The large chest movement only increased her discomfort. Behind her, Twig hissed. While the rods were thin, they'd buried deep into the muscle.

"That bad?"

"Your lung hadn't been punctured, thank the gods."

Jai-Jai yelped. "You lying little-. Argh, that hurt worse than biting a cactus."

The metal clanked when Twig threw the spikes to the ground. In one fluid motion, Twig grabbed Jai-Jai's shirt with one hand and pressed the other onto her wound. Jai-Jai could feel her cells separating, copying its DNA, knitting itself together.

"What happened to not touching?"

"You're more stubborn than a rock giant and I don't want this wound to get infected. That'll create all sorts of problems that we don't need right now."

"You have more guts than people give you credit for."

Twig puffed her chest out. "I assert myself when needed. Especially when I have bullheaded patients like you."

"Gee, thanks." Jai-Jai rolled her shoulder. While her muscles were still raw from reconstruction, the motion only ached a little.

Even with everyone's eyes watching her every move, Jai-Jai managed to calm her beast. She'd stopped sweating as her body temperature lowered.

They know. Everyone can see through your terrible acting. Kiss our freedom goodbye; they'll chain us, lock us away, never to see the light of day again.

Jai-Jai winced. "I can't relax if you keep on talking."

"I haven't said anything yet." Sen walked over, surveying the room. "What happened in here?"

"I...uh...it's all so foggy," Jai-Jai said lamely, "they drugged us, and I was still pretty out of it when I woke up to the wonderful sound of Rhistel arguing with our now deceased friend Martha, lovely woman, by the way, makes amazing soup, not very hospitable." Jai-Jai nibbled on her fingernails. "There was a little fire, some stabbing, and maybe a couple of runes thrown around. All in all, it was an eventful evening."

Sen's eyebrow twitched. "You've got something." He pointed. "Right there."

Raising a hand, Jai-Jai felt around for whatever had attached itself to her hair. Sen tried to guide her, but it didn't help. He huffed, grabbing her hand and placing it on top of the dust bunny tangled in her hair. His cold fingers wrapped around her warm ones and Jai-Jai hoped he didn't notice how hot her body felt. Whispering a quick thanks, Jai-Jai pulled her hand away, absentmindedly rolling the piece of fluff between her thumb and middle finger. "I should put a complaint. My room was covered in a thick layer of this stuff."

Sen cracked a smile. "I think management will be a little preoccupied for a while. Maybe you can try again on your way back." He rubbed his eyes, standing up to leave. "I should probably check on the twins."

Jai-Jai couldn't help watching as he left. He's got a cute butt.

"Is that really where our mind is right now?"

It was pure luck that the loud-mouthed elf wasn't the one who discovered us. What else is there to do other than notice the view while we can? The second the others find out, we'll never see the light of day again.

"Gods, I hate us."

If you took that anklet off we could fly away, find a nice island somewhere and bask in the glow of our fire, stretching our wings out. Do you remember what that was like? Standing under the shadow of the elder's wings as they flew above us. Push and pull of the wind currents against our body; we could have that again. 

In her mind's eye, Jai-Jai could see the beach; the sand sinking underneath the weight of her claws, the smell of sea salt filling her nostrils and the cawing of seagulls. The anklet was cold against her fingertips as they traced the grooves on the jewellery. It vibrated slightly, sending little electric shocks as she moved it up and down on her leg.

"Let's go," Sen called, "we have a boat to catch."

Twig sneezed, startling Jai-Jai. The little fairy looked dejected. "Forgot I was here?"

"Oh, no. Twig, I knew you were, uh, here," Jai-Jai spluttered.

"It's okay, happens more than you think."

"I'm sorry, it's just-"

"Don't worry about it." Twig flew away with Jai-Jai close behind.

She's going to think we're crazy, talking to ourselves.

"So, stop talking to me," Jai-Jai hissed under her breath.

Can't do that.

"Earth tae Jai-Jai." Rhistel waved a hand in front of her face. "Those spikes really must have done a number on ye."

"Maybe they did," said Jai-Jai, sounding distracted. "How's Alanis?"

"Twig's checkin' her over now but turns out a saved her life by keeping her from freezin'. If a wasn't me, a'd give meself the biggest thank ye. Thank ye," Rhistel whispered. She cleared her throat before walking away to light a cigarette.

Jai-Jai didn't respond but threw a small smile in Rhistel's direction before putting a foot in her horse's stirrup, grabbing onto the top of the leather saddle. Pulling herself up, she felt a strange sense of pride. The damn beast only tried to nip her once when she neared him and Sen only had to help her dismount. Sen mounted behind her, clicking with his mouth as he grabbed the reigns.

The day had progressed well into the morning, the sun peeking above the treetops. The inn had sunken into the ground, its stable struture caved in when half a floor was ripped out from underneath. Sen turned the horse around, looking away from their almost grave. 

We'll be okay. Jai-Jai reassured herself. We have to be.

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