25 - Cold Feet

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The glow of the late afternoon sun temporarily blinded Rhistel. Squinting, she guided her horse through the rocky terrain. The leaves had long fallen off the trees, leaving them barren as their branches reached to the sky. They'd passed several abandoned houses, their roofs missing and walls crumbling. After the humans left, other creatures had moved in. Deer grazed on the grass, which had grown tall enough that its tips peaked through glassless windows. A large feline basking in the sun licked its grey fur. The wildcat's tail whipped back and forth, its eyes following the horses, never moving from the rooftop it lay on.

"Shiet," Alanis panted, riding close to Rhistel. Her horse neighed as its leg gave way and it stumbled, almost dropping its rider. Even with her naturally pale complexion, Alanis' skin was almost translucent. Blue and purple veins running underneath were pronounced and bulging. Dirty hair hung lifelessly around her face, mouth grimacing.

Pulling the reins, Rhistel slowed her horse. "Are ye alright?"

"Am fine."

"Obviously not, Twathead."

Alanis gritted her teeth, eyes narrowing. "Ye asked a question, and a answered. If ye canny agree with how a feel, awa'n bile your head."

"Shut ye geggie, a know ye ain't well." Rhistel called ahead for Sen.

"Donnae ye dare-" Alanis strained her voice, but it was no louder than a whisper.

"Sen. We need tae stop fer the night. Me sistae's looking like erse like a bag o' washin."

Sen's stead came to a halt, the vampire and human in unison twisted their bodies to look back.

"Yer a thorn in me side, but at least I'm winning our final bet." Alanis half smiled.

Rhistel ashed her cigarette. "A haven't lost yet."

"Sorry, do ye not see what am seein'"

Rhistel scoffed. "Get oot, they hate each other. Me hair will sooner grow down to me ankles then those two having any amicable feelings towards each other."

"Watch them," Alanis croaked before breaking into a coughing fit.

Handing her sister water, Rhistel looked ahead at the other two. Sen held onto Jai-Jai as he slid off the horse. Jai-Jai mumbled down to Sen, her lips moving quickly. His response must not good because her eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her arms. Reaching up, Sen's hands gripped her waist and he lifted her down. His fingers lingering as more words passed between the two.

A blur sped towards the twins. "We can't stop here." Sen was by Rhistel's side.

"Well, She cannae go farther." Rhistel's hands were on her hips. Alanis interjected that she was okay, but Rhistel shushed her.

"The ship won't wait for us, it leaves in three days at sunrise." Sen looked apologetic. He slicked a piece of black hair from his forehead. "If we push on we'll get to the next town not too long after nightfall. We can stop there."

An eagle cawed overhead. Rhistel wrung her hands together, fighting to keep the heat she felt rising at bay. "She needs tae rest now. A'll stay with her, we can catch up on the morrow."

"I can't leave you here alone."

"Do ye think that we need ye to nanny us?"

"No, but-"

"Why don't ye stick those buts up yer arse and choke."

"I see a house down the hill," Kraneia interjected. "Looks small, but these briar bushes tell me travellers often stop there."

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