31 - Goodbyes

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Sun glimmered against the rippling lake that the twins were playing in. Laughter filled the air. A long-forgotten peace fell between the two as if the water had washed away the terrors of the last month. Alanis' cheeks ached from smiling, and she twisted to avoid the water flying towards her. She flicked her wrists and sent a wave over Rhistel. The liquid hissed and evaporated into smoke when it touched the elf.

"Tha's cheatin'," accused Rhistel. "No usin' our powers durin' a fight."

"Says who? Nae an adult here tae tell me what tae do." A small watery boat formed between the two. Alanis gleeful expression about her creation fell when two fireballs destroyed her ship. Her bottom lip stuck out. "Ye'll pay fer tha'."

Tendrils of fire twisted before her. "Now we're talkin'." Rhistel backed up into shallower water.

Knuckles cracked and muscles twitching, Alanis poised herself. The water was her ally, and she had no worries about winning this battle.

"Sorry to interrupt this mutiny." Kraneia's body rose from behind a nearby hill. "The ship's been spotted, and Sen wants everyone to prepare for its arrival."

Alanis told the dryad that they'd be down shortly. Not waiting for the twins, Kraneia left.

Rhistel grumbled, "Two days. We only got two days to relax, that cannae be fair."

"Am hopin' they'll let us bring a couple of flasks of that blackberry liqueur." Alanis winked.

It didn't take long to change into dry clothes. The earth-toned flannels the fauns had gifted them were soft against Alanis' skin. The dry clothes soaked up any remaining water droplets on her body, insulating her well. Twig had refused to join them in the lake, quoting that they were insane to do so in the cold.

A hot hand rubbed her back. "Cannae have ye dyin' from a cold after everythin'."

"Thanks, Ma."

"Welcome, Waterbug."

Alanis sighed. "Ye know a hate tha' nickname."

"Ma calls ye it. A see no problems callin' ye it too."

"Well, a cannae well tell Ma a hate the nickname she loves so much. Ye, however, can go suck a-"

"That's not nice tae say, Waterbug." Rhistel ran down the hill, Alanis close on her heels.

Halfway down, Alanis spotted someone. "What's Kraneia doin'?"

The old dryad stood several feet away, an unreadable expression on her face. Her braided hair dragged on the ground as Kraneia crouched.

"What's she doin'?" asked Rhistel.

Alanis shrugged. "Who knows."

The dryad spotted the twins and brought a finger to her lips. Her eyes flickered from them to the left. Following the direction of her gaze, Alanis saw another figure through the trees. Rubbing her eyes, Alanis tried to focus on the woman if she could call it that. She tugged at Rhistel's arm, but her sister shrugged her off. Alanis left her behind and squatted, edging toward Kraneia. More than once, she stopped, holding her breath when a leaf would crumble underfoot. The stranger must not have heard Alanis because she never looked back. A soft, mournful wailing came from her direction.

Alanis' knees were starting to ache, and she cursed her weak joints. "What's-"

A wooden hand covered her mouth. Kraneia gave her a warning glare. The two turned to Rhistel, who was out of sight. Alanis flinched, when Kraneia yelled, "No, Rhistel. Don't go near her!"

It was too late. Her idiot sister had grabbed the stranger by the shoulder. The creature hissed and lashed out, trying to swat Rhistel with its washing.

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