11 - Apocalypse for an Apocalypse

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Jai-Jai was not pleased to meet her new companions. Her brief meeting with the twins left her with a clear understanding that she'd be bombarded with questions about her race for weeks to come. The fairy, however, stood off to the side. She spoke no more than five words, paying little attention to her. Twig's face looked almost constipated, her expression was scrunched and her eyes showed great fear for what the meeting would unravel.

All four stood beside their seats, with one chair still empty.

"This canna get much worse." Rhistel grinned as she surveyed the small gathering, "We're all going tae die."

Alanis looked down at the fairy who'd shrunk and sat perched on her shoulder, "Hush up. Ye're scarin' Twig."

"That's not hard. She's afraid of everythin'."

"Watch how far ma foot goes up yer arse and see how much ye'll care then."

"Aye right, ye huff and ye puff but ye never blow any hooses down."

The wizard cleared his airway of flem, interrupting the two. He placed the note extracted from Tamira's mouth gently down. "We are in a more dire situation than any realized."

The afternoon sun shone through the pale tinted windows, reflecting against the shields adorning the west wall. Alanis' features pulled into a grimace as she shielded her eyes from the glare and picked up the crumpled paper. Jai-Jai saw her hands shake lightly as her eyes scanned the already familiar words, rage emanating from her.

An eye for an eye,

A tooth for a tooth,

An apocalypse for an apocalypse.

Thought we'd give you a head's up.

"Pun intended, eh?" Rhistel whispered to her sister. She rubbed her bicep when Alanis' fist made contact. "Too soon?"

The side door opened and a soft breeze blew in, ruffling Alanis' hair.

"At least three thousand years too soon, ye numpty," she hissed between her teeth.

Rhistel spluttered while pulling Alanis' hair out of her face, rolling her eyes at the newcomer.

"Sorry, I'm late." The dryad yawned. "Got the wrong day and slept in."

Dragging her feet slowly she took a seat next to Jai-Jai. The many pale white flowers growing through her cascade of green curls filled the meeting hall with a faint floral scent. She placed her elbows on the table and leaned into one hand, eyes half-closed.

Jai-Jai heard one twin whisper to the other.

"Who's that?"

Alanis leaned over and cupped her hand over her mouth. "If it's who I think it is she is a dryad legend. Her name is," she snapped her fingers trying to jog her memory, "Kraneia. It's unknown how, but she single-handedly defeated humans who threatened 'er forest. They were never seen again. A'd heard she'd arrived at Tanvell, but rarely attended any meetings."

"Cool." Rhistel leaned back into her seat, hands behind her head.

As the final seat was filled, the wizard tapped his staff against the floor, closing all doors. Pointing two fingers up he waved a hand in a semi-circle before curling it into a fist. A glowing honeycomb pattern spread across the flooring, climbing the walls, and disappearing as it moved upwards.

"Now that we are all gathered let us waste no time in beginning. You may be seated." He stroked his beard. "You women have been chosen for this monumental task. But, being chosen does not take away one's free will to decide their fate. If anyone wishes to leave, do so now. Once you are sealed together, you must finish the mission or die trying."

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