13 - Those Left Behind

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Mara didn't wipe any of the tears she shed as the group galloped away. Similar thoughts from when her mother left crept into her thoughts. The increasing possibility that this would be the last time she'd see any of them again made her cry harder.

The gates closed and her grandfather tugged at her arm. "Let us get some breakfast. Can't win a war on an empty stomach."

The young vampire let him lead her away; not bothering to argue that she wasn't hungry.

Taking breakfast in Madin's room, neither one of the two drank much. Pushing away his half-filled cup of blood, Madin left Mara in with a book resting on his bed. It wasn't long before he lost himself in his work. Mara soon got bored of watching the many guests come in and out of her grandfather's room. When Madin left to meet the High Council, he sent Mara off to play in the gardens.

Mara skipped over the stepping stones in the river, arms outstretched and it took all her focus not to slip on the growing moss patches. Daisies grew in plenty on the other side, and she planned to spend the afternoon making necklaces.

Her mother had always made daisy chains with her ever since she could remember. It had been one of the rare soft sides her mother had shown the world. They'd sit for hours in the back garden, and Mara would end up laden with flowers. The young girl started to laugh before the tears came.

Flinching, Mara clenched her hands as images of her mother's head flashed before her eyes. She should have known that the gift was something terrible. Her birthday wasn't for another month. It hadn't been the first time her mother had gotten the date wrong so she'd thought nothing of it.

The images faded once she shook her head. Wiping stray tears, she weaved flowers together. The stems broke several times before Mara threw the daisies in frustration. She'd forgotten how bad she'd been at making these. Her mother had always chitted that Mara had the poise and grace of an elephant. Mara hadn't minded those words until she saw a picture of the creature in one of Sen's dusty history books.

Mara watched her daisy chains float downstream. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Nilos leaning against a tree on the other side and scowled at him. He glared back.

Neither relative was pleased to be spending any time together. Her grandfather had insisted that someone at all times must escort her. A family should stick together. Grandfather quoted when he forced the two to bond over their disdain for each other.

"How long are we going to be here?" Nilos threw rocks into the water.

Mara stuck her tongue out and splashed towards her uncle. Wiping water off his face, the vampire stared in disdain. 

"Until I decide I want to go back," Mara turned her nose up and hopped onto a rock in the middle of the stream. "Blame grandfather, I told him chose someone else to watch over me."

"Aggravating stubbornness seems to run in the family." A small stone flew into the water, and Mara lent back to avoid the splash.

She smiled smugly. "You wouldn't know. Being adopted and all."

Nilos' face contorted and his shoulders drooped.

Thinking she'd won Mara directed her gaze towards the minnows swimming past her rock. Her fingers tingled when she reached to touch the icy water.

A larger pebble flew past shortly afterward. Startled, Mara stepped back and slipped. The water wasn't deep, but cold enough to give her a shock. She sat, stunned for several seconds, before stomping back towards the Tanvell castle. She didn't have to look if her uncle was following; his chuckles could be heard the entire walk back to the castle.

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