36 - Losing Sides

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"That bastard." Rhistel growled. "Nae way a lost. Ye cheated and a know it. Fess up, there must have been a card up yer sleeve?"

Captain Ryo looked smug as he stared at the cards he'd just laid out. The black ace, king, queen, jack, and ten read like taunts against Rhistel. She hated those cards because it was almost like they too were laughing at her failure.

"I do believe that that is three games out of five, and you owe me a favour." Ryo's deep voice sent delightful feelings to Rhistel every time she heard him speak, and she wondered if she put a hand on his chest would her hands vibrate. Pinching herself, Rhistel tried to think of the problem at hand, and not the way that Ryo's dark skin was such a contrast to her pale features.

Rhistel huffed and glared at Alanis. That traitor of a sister had been the one to get her in this mess in the first place. "A donnae know how tae act lady-like. Have ye never heard of the Elven Guard? A was trained tae break wee folks. Burn doors down and go in hands blazin'."

"That's why you'll be perfect for the job," chided Ryo. He scratched the morning shadow on his chin. "If caught, you can just burn your way out of there. Normally, I'd worry about how to get my comrade back, but I know you can fend for yourself. No need for anyone to save you."

"He's good. Going fer yer ego." Alanis laughed. The sun was directly behind her. It's yellow head only peaking over the horizon after lying dormant for the night. A salty but cold breeze blew any loose strands from Alanis' braids that it could.

Rhistel couldn't help puffing her chest slightly. "A'll only accept if ye cut our voyage fair in half."

"Not going to happen. I can give you each back five percent at most and take away some of the chores I've set for you lovely women."

"Do ye think this is the first time a've haggled? Take me fer a daft dobber? Go find some other woman who will fall fer yer terrible tricks. Thirty percent, and that idjit over there gets my share of the chores." Not able to help herself, Rhistel pointed to a nearby crewmate. He too had beaten Rhistel at card games the other night. She'd lost, even while cheating. Taking so many hits to her pride made Rhistel angry enough to burn the boat. However, she was banned from lighting evening a spark during their sea voyage, anything lest she actually burn the ship down and drown everyone aboard.

Ryo's knees clicked when he stood up. "So, we're in agreement then. You'll help me retrieve my goods when we land in the Old Americas. It'll be great fun, just you wait."

"Sure," said Rhistel sarcastically. When the captain turned to walk away, she whispered insults under her breath.

The captain looked back. "Did you say something?"

"Nothin'. Must have some water in those ears, yer hearin' things."

He raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes at her. "Long-ears never know how to behave themselves," he muttered. "And they call us the problem."

Two pairs of hands grabbed the back of Rhistel's shirt. Steam poured out of her ears and Rhistel greatly wished Twig and Alanis would mind their own business and let her beat the living daylights out of the captain. "Who does he think he's calling long-ear. Like his tainted genes could even shine a candle to mine. At least my ancestors didn't fraternize with those dirty humans. My ears are a symbol of purity, what do your half-sized ears say about him?"

"Keep that temper underlid." Alanis hissed. Icy water hit Rhistel's head, soaking her. The initial shock from the cold made her head hurt and body freeze long enough for Alanis to pull her downstairs. "Ye cannae talk like that around here. Dinnae ye see how the crew were lookin' at us while ye were screamin' whatever stupid thought came to ye's head? Nae, 'cause ye were too busy worryin' about yer pride. We are guests here and ye will behave with respect."

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