14 - And So It Begins

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As the sun fell below the horizon and the world around them darkened, all surrounding sounds diminishing too. Leaves crunching under hooves was the only noise they'd heard for miles. The wind had a new chill to it, causing everyone to clutch their jackets tighter as increasing gusts blew.

Finding a canopy of trees to protect them from the weather, Sen decided to rest the horses for the night and push on in the morning. None argued with his idea.

Several groans echoed as the group dismounted. Rhistel's legs shook as she stretched out her hamstrings. Nearby her sister and the fairy collected stray branches. Throwing the twigs in a pile, Rhistel gave a small wave of her hand, and fire erupted. The wood was not ideal, wet from the last several rain showers, and crackled in anger at being burned.

"Am no' a fan of the cold season." Alanis' teeth chattered. Putting her hands closer to the flames, the icy tips of her fingers prickled as they thawed.

Her sister scoffed, "A will take being cold over soggy anytime. Canna stay dry for an hour before another shower hits us." Growling under her breath, Rhistel attempted to unfold the tent. "Where's the dryad? She's supposed to be helping me set up this stupid thing."

Alanis pointed in the direction where gentle snores arose from behind bushes. Seeming to be comfortable and sound asleep, Kraneia lay sprawled over a fallen trunk. Her dark, bark textured skin blended near seamless with the tree. Flower petals fell from her hair, as she too was affected by the changing of the seasons.

"Get up ye...ye lazy bump on a log!" Rhistel yelled in an attempt to awaken the slumbering creature.

Kraneia covered her eyes with her hair. "We've been riding since before dawn, and I haven't had one nap." She raised her hand. "Five more minutes. An old tree like me needs her rest."

"Sleep after the tent is up."

"Let her be. A'll help ye." Alanis cut the two's argument short.

The dryad mumbled incoherently before falling back into a deep slumber.

Sen emerged from the darkness, rabbits in hand. Handing the dead animals to the fairy, he retreated into shadows. Rhistel snickered.

Twig had a horrible habit of watching him eat, which was not appreciated by the vampire. During the first several days of the journey, Twig was uncomfortable around him. According to Sen, pulsing blood tasted better than stale, unmoving liquid from the dead. Rhistel found it humorous when Twig's face turned green, seeing the small animal squirm in his hands as he bit them.

At first, Twig had stolen glances during meals. But, as she warmed up to his presence, the fairy had no difficulties in questioning Sen on every aspect of how he ate. Sen now ate his meals separate from the group after repeated reminders to Twig to focus on her food did not work.

With few edible animals living in the area, dinner was often the same. They all sat under their makeshift tents, stomachs growling were heard. The winds blew dark clouds closer to the party. Thunder rumbled closer and closer as the sun sank below the horizon. Walking over and putting a hand on Kraneia's tent, Jai-Jai wondered aloud, "How does your tent never get wet?"

"Pine sap," Kraneia mumbled.

"Wait. What?"

"Pine sap," the dryad repeated. "A friend owed me a favor, so she shared some sap."

Rhistel threw another log in the fire. "Ye've never lived in a rainy country 'ave ye? Pine sap is a necessity when traveling anywhere in the Highlands."

"So I've been sleeping in a damp tent and no one thought to say anything?"

"Pay up." Alanis smiled at her sister. "A had me money on less than a week."

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