9 - Headless Antics

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 A tablecloth was hastily thrown over Tamira's head as Alanis walked back into the room.

"How could this happen?" Twig pinched her nose to lessen the smell of death. Blood had always made her queasy but the decapitated head lying at her feet was too much. "Every package is checked before it's allowed in the walls, how could this get into a child's room? Especially when security is almost tripled this week."

"Whoever did this had inside help." Alanis took shallow breaths, folding her arms together tightly. "Sir Madin's grandchild has been settled, and the word's been sent to him and his children."

A cloud of smoke blew into Jai-Jai's eyes, making them water. She blinked the tears away, the corners of her mouth pulling down as she stared in disapproval.

"Sorry 'bout that." Rhistel waved her hand, blowing the smoke away. "A smoke when am angry."

Carefully going around the tablecloth Alanis inspected the box. "And when you're happy, or nervous, or sad. Any excuse to light up you take it." With a simple blink, she soaked the cigarette. "You're contaminating the crime scene."

Spying a glass bottle filled with amber liquid Jai-Jai reached to pour some. Stopping herself as several drops fell into the cup she instead took several large gulps directly from the bottle.

The room darkened as grey clouds moved over Tanvell; thunder shaking the windows, and heavy rain started to pour.

Rhistel reached and took the bottle from the gardener's grasp. Scrunching her face as the alcohol slid down her throat. She leaned over Alanis' shoulder. "Anything else in there?"

Nodding her head, Alanis hastily wiped a tear away. "Who sends a child their mother's head? What type of monster must you be."

Opening the pink envelope, she pulled out a small note, hands shaking slightly as she read its contents.

Told you I'd be back for your birthday.

Sorry all of me couldn't make it.

Maybe next year.

- Much love, Mother

A faint 'Oh my' was heard as Twig's legs gave away. Jai-Jai looked over to see if she was okay but made no movements to help her back up.

The note burst into flames causing Alanis to drop it. Her sister's face darkened, and a thick table leg loudly cracking as Rhistel kicked forward. Running a hand over her head, she traced part of the many tattoos which traveled up her neck and covered where her hair once had grown. Before the others could stop her, she lifted the cloth and picked the head up.

Alanis yelled at her to set it down and the fairy's wings sunk to the floor as her face turned green but Rhistel only studied the face closer. "Twig, if you're going to hurl do it somewhere else. There's something sticking out of her mouth, and I'm about to fish it out. Look away if you can't handle it."

Taking the head into one hand, Rhistel tried to hook a finger into Tamira's mouth. Her facial expression remained unchanged, except for her clenched teeth. Blood dripped down her arm and her fingers moving slowly to not cut them on the dead woman's fangs. The challenge proved hard, Tamira's jaw was fused tightly and her teeth unwilling to release whatever lay behind it.

Gulping, Twig held onto the slanted table to pull herself up. "Here let me try." Never directly touching the head she levitated it above her hands and whispered. The jaw loosened giving Rhistel the opportunity to fish out the paper. Lowering the head gently onto the bed Twig raised her hands and guided the bedcover to wrap neatly around Tamira's head.

Her voice shook, "What does it say?"

The candles lining the walls flamed up as Rhistel read aloud, the sides of the paper scrunching as her grip tightened.

"We need to call an emergency meeting. Now."

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