8 - We All Fall

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The mood in the room was almost darker than the hall itself. Small candles gave little light to the occupants sitting below, blowing out if any giant moved. The fae helpers tired quickly of relighting the wicks and chose to sit atop the candles, using their own body's glow for light.

Hours trickled at a snail's pace, and they were no closer to figuring out their situation when the day started. Puffs of steam steadily wafted from Rhistel's ears as she sank lower into the seat, ignoring the strong urge to punch several people in the face. Daeron gruffly mumbled about proper etiquette and ordered her to sit up, never looking down at the elf.

Taking no heed to his words, she let out a groan. The dwarves started arguing loudly with several vampires from a northern coven, which thankfully pulled Daeron's focus elsewhere. Finger twitching, Rhistel passed the time by lighting candles on fire - under the sitting fae. Seeing the small creatures buzz angrily trying to find the culprit for their burned backsides eased the boredom she felt.

Rhistel winced as her twin pinched her side sharply. The disapproving look adorning Alanis' face showed the childish elf that she had been caught red-handed.

"Sit up." Alanis looked embarrassed.

"No can do sis, me arse is asleep, and am sure permanently flattened after all this sitting."

Another pinch and she was up.

"Alright mum, don't get yer knickers in a twist. Who needs a nice arse anyway."

"My blessed brethren," an ancient voice called out. Body weakly shaking the old wizard leaned on his towering staff for support. "This council has not been called for an age and hopefully will not be called again for several more. Sir Madin, the last knight of the Old World and creator of the New, has brought troubling news from the South."

No one spoke. Silence fell over all in attendance, except for a sleeping faun, who's soft snores were raising in volume. His friend nudged him, startling the sleeper and causing him to fall off his chair. Eyes wide, the faun hopped up, stunned by their embarrassing awakening.

"He brought only whispers. But these whispers weigh heavy on the tongue."

Rhistel absentmindedly touched the packet of cigarettes she'd grabbed from someone in her pocket. Her racing heart slowed a few beats.

"We know that humans want the world back. And they will stop at almost nothing to control The Above again." The old man paused, the wrinkles knighting tighter as he furrowed his thick brows. "The brewing threats of war have been acted upon. Two weeks ago Lord Ilbryn Nerifiel was decapitated - Balfied has fallen to mud humans. An artifact was taken from the Lord's home which could bring about the end for us."

Chaos broke out.

Impossible, some shouted.

How? Others questioned. His vaults were sealed by the Gods themselves.

What did they take?

Finger flaming Rhistel inhaled, lighting her cigarette. "Aye right. The world's endin'. Don't say a didn't warn ye." She winked at her appalled sister.

A fairy raised a shaking hand, and the gathering quieted as the wizard nodded his head towards her. Following the old man's gaze, Rhistel recognized her old friend.

"Can we stop them?" said Twig.

The wizard crossed his arms and gazed off into the distance.

"Yes," He said slowly. "If we can extract the item before it is released, there may yet be a chance for us."

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