12 - Family Reunion

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"I need you to think back carefully. This could change everything. Are you sure that it was her?" Madin's gaze never broke with hers.

"Yes," Jai-Jai said a little louder than a whisper. "How many people do you know with violet eyes?"

Madin tapped his cane against the floor, each hit harder than the last. "Will she tell Them?"

"Esme hasn't yet. If they knew I was here, this city would already be ash."

The vampire paced. "Good, this is good. Is she still here?"

"Probably. But we won't find Esme."

Placing his hands on either side of Jai-Jai, his cane dug into her shoulder. "Do you think," Madin tightened his grip, "they were behind my Tamira's..."

The girl didn't speak, her eyes answering the question - no.

For a split moment, Jai-Jai saw the vampire for what he truly was. The lines in his face sunk deeper, his skin lost all color, and his hair thinned. A skeleton stood before her, leaving only the remains of his soul — a lonely, man mourning another loved one lost to the sands of time.

"So, it was the humans," The skeleton whispered as his face morphed back into the man that it was. Letting go, Madin moved towards the door. "I am going to collect my grandaughter. When I come back, I would rather you not be here. We can talk in the morning."

Madin shut the door quietly, leaving Jai-Jai behind, feeling more alone than ever. The candle flames swayed as they dimmed, before raising up, leaving scorch marks on the ceiling.

"Finally," a voice called. "You're alone."The human crawled through the window and charged towards her. The doomed soul pulled two daggers out and stabbed her – one, a near-miss next to her heart, the other in her gut. "A traitor to the human race. Die!" The intruder cackled, gleefully watching her eyes flutter as they shut.

Pulling back his weapons, he looked puzzled. Shattered blades lay fallen at their feet. A hand grabbed his neck, forcing him to look up. The eyes of a demon stared back, one excited to kill their prey.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with foolish mortals." Flames reflected in her eyes. "I'll make this quick."

His smile faded once he felt the burning. It started in his gut, faint warmth spreading upwards. The temperature increased, sweat dripped down his face as his blood boil inside his veins. Choking, he attempted to pry Jai-Jai's fingers away, but her body was emanating heat. When the skin on his fingers started to blister, he had to let go and looked up at his killer. Her skin looked almost transparent; an iridescent glimmer was shining through.

"Sh..she lied," he gasped, "You aren't human."

"No. We're not."

His body dropped as the candle flames extinguish, their wicks burned to the last centimeter. The only source of light in the room was the fireplace casting a spotlight on the body. Breathing heavily, Jai-Jai dropped her shaking hands by her side.

A present from sister dearest? Said her inner voice. She always did enjoy pushing our buttons.

The door opened behind her. Madin lay the sleeping child gently down on the duvet. "What have you done?" Madin's harsh whisper cut through the room.

Jai-Jai's insides felt like they were painfully twisting together. Her appearance, however, was calm and collected. "Esme's way of announcing her arrival. This is maybe the..." Seventh. "Seventh time she's tried to kill me." Jai-Jai shrugged. "At this point, I think it's her way of showing affection."

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