18 - Come What May Part 2

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Harv tried to run away, but a ring of fire erupted from the ground. 

"Ye are nae goin' tae get help." Rhistel grinned.

A violent shudder ran down Martin's back. His eyes filled with tears as he looked pleadingly at Jai-Jai to help him. Her face deadpanned as she stared back. The fat man had no time to react before Sen's nails ripped into Martin's neck. The vampire sniffed one of his fingers, a smile growing across his face. "You aren't tainted, you poor souls."

The three women stood and watched as Sen slunk towards Harv. The man knew he was going to die if he didn't attempt to jump over the fire. But before he had the chance even to scream, Sen had sunk his fangs deep into his neck.

"Gross," Rhistel whispered.

It was one thing to see Sen drink from a small rabbit, but a human was another story. There was something so primal about the act to Jai-Jai.

Harv's eyes glazed over, filled with horror as his body was dragged further back into the alleyway. The dwindled body of a once fat man lay dead at Sen's feet. The vampire looked over to the human. No remorse as he wiped the blood off his face. The black in his eyes reversed and the whites reappeared.

"That was-" Rhistel kicked Martin's body. "Amazin'. Holy damn remind me to stop calling ye Fangs, Fangs. A never want tae be on yer bad side."

A look of pleasure filled Sen before he saw Jai-Jai. The realization hit him as his eyes from the girl to his recent kill and back to her. Jai-Jai raised a hand. "My blood is already pulsing with poison. I have no reason to worry that you'll suck me dry if I turn my back."

"What'll we do with these two? Cannae leave them here for someone tae find them." Alanis cringed.

"Aye right, canna burn them?" Flames danced across Rhistel's fingers.

Sen nodded in agreement. "First cut off their ears and lay them in the rubble so no one questions if they're human or elf."

We read about this - humans cut off elven ears as trophies and sold for their medicinal capabilities. On the black market, they'd fetch a hefty price. Jai-Jai's inner voice recanted.

The twins straightened their backs, pulling knives from under their shirts. Neither looked remorseful as they shoved the now disembodied ears in the human's pockets. Splitting into twos, each group picked up one body.

"Why'd we get the obese one? Fangs drank him for a midnight snack; he should have tae carry him." Rhistel grunted as she picked up Harv's legs.

The other twin pulled a face as she grabbed Harv's shoulders. "Ye'd think tha' having all yer blood drained he'd be lighter. But nae, not even a wee bit."

"You both talk too much," Sen complained as he and Jai-Jai threw Martin over the wall into the cinders of a house.

Sen appeared behind Rhistel, and she jumped. "Ye need tae announce yerself when ye decide to use yer vampire powers."

Snickering, Sen grabbed the body and threw it over his shoulder before laying it next to the other human.

"So," Jai-Jai said, "what's next on tonight's agenda?"

"We split up into twos. Meet at the front gates at dawn." Sen replied as the twins linked arms. They didn't wait to hear what anyone else said before wandering off.

"Guess it's us two then." Jai-Jai nudged the vampire in his ribs.

His ears perked up. "I don't hear anymore pulsing nearby. The roads should be free of humans for a while."

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