Cold Flashback

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Halt and Will, his apprentice, were on another mission, tracking down some bandits. "Halt?" the boy asked, seeing if speaking was allowed. Halt looked at Will and gestured for him to go on. "I know that we've only been back in Araluen for a few months but..." Will trailed off, uncertain of how to voice his thoughts. "But?" Halt prompted, noticing his student's hesitation. 

"There's something I need to tell you." Will finished. He looked down, fiddling with the hem of his cloak and shuffling in the saddle. Halt reined Abelard in, Will doing the same with Tug. "What is it Will?" Halt asked gently, afraid of what he might hear then realizing whatever it was, Will had to get it off his mind.

Taking a deep breath of the forest air, Will finally spoke. "I know I'm still only an apprentice so this may sound strange but I can't help but wonder if the path I chose, becoming your student, is worth it." Halt looked into the face of his young friend, wondering was bothering him.  Suddenly, there was a rustle of leaves and branches. Both mentor and apprentice had nocked and drawn arrows in a heartbeat.  

Soon the two Ranger's were surrounded by rough looking men. Within seconds it was an all out brawl, both Halt and Will struggling to survive. Finally Halt and Will managed to get them all cuffed and left them on the side of the track with nothing said. 


They had been riding for the last hour before Halt realized how quiet Will had been. It was then he thought to look at his student only to notice the grim look on his face. "Will?" he said, trying to gain the boy's attention. 

"I came so close to never seeing you again, so close to losing what matters so much to me." Will's voice was filled with sorrow accompanied by fear. "Halt, the thing is...they...branded me."

That said, he pulled his collar down to show the brand on his collarbone. Halt's eyes widened in shock of what he had just been told, feeling his heart break for the boy that came to mean so much to him.

"Will," Halt said quietly, "why didn't you tell me sooner? There's no need for you to carry such a heavy burden alone."    

"Because they nearly took everything from me!" Will's voice rose in anguish. "I could've died if not for Erak and Evanlyn! And now, I...I just have no idea how to deal with the weight that's on me right now." Suddenly and without warning, Will broke down, crying in the saddle.

Reaching over, Halt reined Tug in to stop then did the same to his own mount. The next thing he knew, he swung down from the saddle, and took his crying apprentice into his arms. One arm circled the boy's shoulders and the other rested on the back of his head. 

Halt sighed. Another cold flashback.  

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