A New Start

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It was two years after Maddie first became Will's apprentice but, her dedication never seemed to fade. But today was special because Gilan, Halt, Pailine, her parents and a few other people were coming to celebrate her birthday, even if they were late. "Maddie!" Will called to her. "Everyone should be here soon. Go and freshen up, alright?" 

"Alright Will!" Maddie replied, running to take a shower. When she was done with that, Maddie went to change into fresh clothing. As she was doing this thoughts were whirling through her mind. Why am I a Ranger's apprentice? Why can't I be what everyone needs? And so many other things to think about.

"Maddie! They're here." Will said through her bedroom door. Maddie heard several pairs of feet walking in. "Where's my little girl?" Horace asked, excited to see his daughter. After what happened in Trelleth fief Maddie refused to visit anyone, even Halt who was the closest to her.

"Leave me alone. Just go away." she said but loud enough that everyone could hear. With that, Maddie sat on the floor with her back to her door and bringing her knees to her chest. 

"Maddie? Whats wrong hon?" Pauline spoke up. Maddie closed her eyes, attempting to block out the memories. The man threatening her, his attempt to kill her, twice, releasing a shot from her sling in defense. 

Silent tears made their way down Maddie's face, but she didn't allow herself to cry out. A moment later Maddie came out of her room, head down. "Mads, what's the matter?" Will asked gently, wondering what had happened to make his apprentice upset like she was.

"I-I..." Maddie tried to speak but the words caught in her throat. Without finishing her sentence, she picked up her sling and lead shot and went to the target range. Will wasn't far behind. "Maddie!" he called, "What't wrong? I can-" Maddie abruptly cut him off. "No, you can't help me Will! No one understands!" 

Will was taken aback by that response, but he wasn't angered. By now everyone was outside, watching master and apprentice. Finally Will answered, "What don't I understand?" Maddie locked eyes with Will, pain, regret, and anguish visible in her eyes and replied, "No one gets how I was forced to kill someone in self-defense. It's a horrible feeling, add to that the fact it's now a part of my life I wonder, is this all worth it?" She paused then continued.

"Being a Ranger's apprentice has made me see the world differently. Is that bad? No, but I now see things no ordinary teenager should have to see. I do things that I have to in order to survive certain circumstances. You think that I enjoyed that first kill? I assure you, I did not. I was horrified at my actions yet I did not regret it.

"Will, you took the blame for that when you didn't have to. You were there when I was at death's doorstep and did all you could to save me. You saved me with what was in your medical kit and what do you get in return? A huge disappointment of a student and goddaughter." 

Maddie released ten shots, one after the other in quick succession before her mentor could respond. Finally, he did. "Maddie," Will said, "you're right. I can't understand but I don't want to hear you calling yourself a disappointment. Do you understand me? I am not at all disappointed in  you. What you're going through right now, is normal. When all you've come to believe is put in a new light and suddenly you're questioning everything you've ever done.       

"I understand that more than you think. It's happened to me so many times but you know what? I fought and won that battle. If you don't fight and give up, that will be the only time you disappoint any of us but if you fight even with the chance of losing, you don't fight alone. We're all with you."

Finally Maddie let out a sob. "I just don't want to have to fight anymore." she said quietly. At this Will gathered her into his arms, hugging his apprentice as she cried. Unbeknownst to both of them, they were thinking the same thing. 

It was time for a new start.         

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