So Tired

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Will was practicing with his bow and arrows, most of his arrows hitting near or in the bull's eye. Ever since he and Halt had returned from Skandia the boy set to regain what he had lost in the long months without practice. Even though Halt was impressed with his apprentice and his dedication, he was worried that the boy might be overdoing it.

Halt observed now that though he wouldn't show it, Will was extremely tired. "Will," he said now, "Take a break. You haven't slept properly since God knows when." Will went to protest but before Will could say a word, he collapsed to the ground. "Will!" Halt cried out in alarm. Making sure his apprentice was just passed out, Halt brought him inside.

Laying Will on his bed, Halt pulled off his boots, and gently removed his jerkin. After that Halt laid him down, pulling the covers over the exhaustion stricken boy. A moment later there was a knock at the door. 

Making sure Will was comfortable, Halt went and answered the door to find himself face to face with Gilan, his first apprentice. "Gilan, what in the blazes are you doing here?" Smiling, Gilan replied, "Well, it's been a while and so I thought I'd visit." 

Waving his friend inside, Halt went to make coffee. It can't be said Ranger's can live without it. As Halt handed Gilan his mug he glanced over at Will's bedroom door. Noticing the action, Gilan asked, "Everything okay Halt?" It was an open enough question to begin with. 

Halt ran a hand through his salt-and-pepper grey hair. "Not exactly," he answered, "Will's overdoing it. I know it's only been a few weeks since we returned from Skandia but..." Halt trailed off, not really sure what to say. 

Gilan nodded his head in understanding. "You need him to push past this and continue his apprenticeship. I don't want to see him that way either but I think in his mind, he sees all this as failing his training and most importantly, you." 

Halt raised both eyebrows in an expression that was equivalent to saddened surprise. "Why me? I'm not at all upset with him over what happened. He upheld an oath, foiled the Black Lord's plans and was saved from that bloody warmweed drug. If anything, I'm proud of him for that, not disappointed or upset."

"I know that and you know that," said Gilan, "but the question now is, does Will know that?"

Suddenly, they heard soft footfalls. "What are the two of you talking about me behind my back for? And while I was sleeping?" a sleepy looking Will half grumbled, half muttered. Both men turned to look at Will, surprise evident on their faces. 

Halt was the first to recover. "What are you doing up Will? You should be resting." He didn't want to upset the youngster as Will was already a little miffed. Will just sighed. Finally he spoke, "A nightmare, it's the same every night. I'm standing in the meadow behind the cabin and the wind seems to howl then the trees, they whisper things. I have no last name, no family, nothing."

His two seniors exchanged a look of concern. "Will," Gilan said quietly, "you do have family. Halt, me, Horace, Evanlyn, Alyss, Jenny, all of your friends are your family." There was a pause before Gilan continued. "You know, I see you as my little brother. The brother who always seems to get in trouble, who doesn't really listen at times but still steps up when he sees the need to speak up."

It was silent for a few minutes as that sunk in for Will. Then he answered, "Thanks Gil, I needed that. I just, well, after all that's happened I guess I'm scared to lose everything again. My friends, you who, yes I see as a brother as well, Halt who is like a father to me. I'm just scared." 

Halt was shocked at that confession. He never knew that he meant so much to his young friend. "Will," Halt said in a voice full of fatherly compassion, "I had no idea that's how you felt. Why didn't you say something?"

Will looked down, suddenly finding a big interest in the floor. "I didn't want to appear weak Halt. I'm supposed to be this strong Ranger's apprentice, the one who killed the last Kalkara, the one who burned Morgarath's bridge..." 

His voice shook, making him pause to take a breath. Then he continued, "I just want to regain what I lost to that damned drug, but I can't shoot without seeing a memory as the arrow hits the target. I can't throw the knives with thinking I failed my training and by extension, my mentor."

There was silence in the cabin, save for the sound of breathing. Finally Will's resolve broke. "I'm just so tired..." he said, barely above a whisper.

a/n ok I had to turn off all emotions to write this, otherwise I'd cry  😭😭now excuse me while I go cry

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