Little Treaty

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Will paced back and forth for what seemed the millionth time that day as he waited for Alyss to give birth. Pauline and Halt looked his way in both amusement and slight exasperation. "Will," Halt said, standing up to put an arm around the young man he saw as a son, "she'll be fine and so will the baby. Malcolm is going to be here for the week to keep an eye on things."

He paused, making sure his words got through to Will. "Thanks Halt," the younger Ranger replied, "I needed that." Halt had to bite back a witty comeback, causing Will to give him a look. 

"What were you going to say?" he asked his former teacher.

Halt paused then answered, "You did need that."

Will rolled his eyes and just as he was about to sit down he heard a cry, causing him to smile. A few minutes later Malcolm came out. "Come on in Will," he said, waving in Halt and Pauline. "A happy, healthy baby." Will went over to Alyss. "How are you doing?" he asked her. Alyss smiled, replying, "Tired but happy. Would you like hold to her?" All Will could do was nod as she handed the baby to her father.

"Jade DuLacy Treaty." Alyss said.

Will answered, "That's a wonderful name. As for the middle name, a tribute to Pauline or what?" 

Alyss chuckled, shaking her head. "In a way, yes. If it had been a boy his middle name most likely would've been O'Carrick, correct?" Will nodded with a sheepish grin plastered on his face. This caused a ripple of laughter to go around the room.

Soon everyone had their chance to hold Jade. They welcomed the Little Treaty.

a/n i know, lame. ah well 

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