Oh No

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"Aren't you hungry Will? You've barely touched your food." Halt said, wondering why his normally energetic companion was acting so unlike himself. Will merely shook his head then answered his mentor, "No, I'm not particularly hungry."  Observing his apprentice, Halt noticed Will's rosy cheeks and the way he seemed to shake as if he were freezing. It's not even that cold Halt thought, worried now. "Why don't you turn in for the night Will? I'll take care of the dishes." 

Will just nodded, already heading to his room. Once in his room, Will changed in to his night clothes, a loose shirt and loose cotton pants. Laying down, he groaned then fell asleep.

Once Will went to bed Halt grabbed a cup of coffee and sat in one of the armchairs. Soon enough he too, went to bed unaware of the difficulties the next day would bring.


The next morning Will woke up, barely able to breathe. His nose was stuffed up, his body ached and if that wasn't enough, he shook with shivers. Must be a fever  Will thought. Slowly, he drifted back to the world of sleep.

Meanwhile, Halt sat in the living room, nursing a cup of honey-laced coffee as he waited for his apprentice to get up. When Will still hadn't come out of his room Halt had to wonder if something was wrong. Coming to a decision, Halt strode over to Will's room. 

"Will?" he said gently, "Are you awake? Are you alright?" Reaching down, Halt put his hand on the boy's forehead then gasped. Oh no. "You're burning up Will." Getting straight to work on caring for his young student, Halt went and grabbed a few more blankets. Coming back in to the room, he draped them over the fever stricken apprentice.  

After that, Halt went and filled the wash basin with cold water and grabbed a cloth. Folding the cloth, he dipped it in the water and placed it on Will's head. Suddenly there was knocking at the door. Making sure Will would be fine for a few minutes, he went to answer it, whoever was knocking on his door. Much to his surprise, though he didn't show it, there stood Gilan, his former student.

"Gilan? What in the blazes are you doing here?" asked Halt. Gilan sighed, skipping over their usual routine of sarcastic interplay. "Please don't tell me you forgot about the Gathering? We should've left by now."

Halt ran his hands over his face in a tired gesture. "No, I didn't forget," he replied, "but at the moment I have a sick apprentice to care for." Gilan's expression instantly changed to one of concern. "Is it bad?" Gilan asked. "Halt?" came a low moan from the back of the cabin. Turning on his heel, Halt went straight to Will's bedside, Gilan in his wake. "I'm right here Will. What do you need?" He stroked some of the boys hair off his forehead. "What happened?" There was a moment's pause, bringing Will's train of thought in to a sluggish motion. 

"The Gathering..." He was shushed by Halts hand lightly holding him back. "You're not going anywhere in you're state." Halt stated firmly. Again, he checked the boy's temperature. "Gilan would you mind keeping an eye on him for a few minutes?" Gilan turned to Will, answering Halt, "I don't mind at all." Assured, Halt went and prepared an herbal tea mixed with medicine leafs and a sleeping aide.

Upon returning to Will's room, Halt held the cup in front of him. "Here Will, drink this." Holding it up to Will's mouth, his young pupil drank. Slowly and reflexively, the feverish boy swallowed the herbal remedy. Soon enough, Will went back to sleep. Even though Gilan was there Halt didn't dare leave his apprentices, no, his son's  side. 

It was official. Will was sick. 

a/n now do u guys want a pt 2? This kinda ended on a cliffhanger.

Should I make a pt 2?

Or is this fine?

comment your thoughts please! 

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