Texting: Ranger's Apprentice Style

567 13 9

Will: uh...whatisgoingon?

Halt entered chat

Halt: We're texting each other Will

Will: huh?whatdoesthatmean?

Halt: Stop running your words together

Will: howdoidothat?

Halt: Use the space bar. The rectangular button the bottom of the keyboard

Will: is this better?

Halt: Yes. Now just capitalize the first letter in the sentence

Gilan entered chat

Gilan: I swear, you two are so weird 

Halt: Me weird? Never!

Will: I'm normal though 

Gilan: Don't jump the broad head my friend 

Will: You're mean :'(

Halt: Awwwww did I make Willy sad?

Gilan and Will: Shut up Halt

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