Lost Then Found

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Will was doing a Couriers code assignment that morning while Halt dealt with something up at the castle. Just as he finished Tug whinnied a warning. If there was anything he'd learned as Halt's apprentice it was never ignore your horse. 

Rising to his feet, Will's hand dropped to his knives. He slowly made his way to the door and placed his free hand on the door nob. Flinging open the door, Will came face to face with a trio of bandits. 

"Yehaa! We got the Ranger." said the first. 

"Don't try to escape boy," the second spoke up. "Or you'll pay the price."

The third just sneered at him, a look of contempt on his face. I need to get out of here and fast.  But luck wasn't with Will that day. Without warning he received a blow to the head, consciousness abandoning him.


As Halt approached the cabin he instantly knew something was wrong. Tug was whinnying like mad, obviously distraught. Halt's mind was racing, trying to piece the puzzle together. The cabin door was wide open and there were obvious signs of an attack.

But the most alarming thing was that Will was nowhere to be found. No matter where he looked, Halt couldn't find his apprentice. 


His head was pounding and his vision wasn't much better. Will finally woke after what felt like an eternity, unsure as to where he was. Then he remembered. Groaning, Will got up, realizing his captors neglected to disarm him. Quietly, he retreated to the treeline without a single sound. 

Once he was a fair distance away, Will bolted for home, his feet thudding on the forest floor.


It was nearly sunset and Halt still hadn't found his student. Sighing, he swung down from the saddle to make camp. "No use trying to find him in the dark." Halt mumbled.

You're not giving up, are you?

"No, of course not. But it'd be foolish to try and track whoever took Will in the dark."

I hope you know what you're doing

"I do too. I really do."  

As the night wore on Halt had no idea just how close Will truly was.


Will stumbled through the forest in the dark, fearing that if he stopped he would be caught again. With that thought on replay, Will trudged on. Soon he began to smell something. Smoke. There's someone nearby! 

Will began running towards the smell of smoke; where there was a fire, there's someone to help him. Suddenly, he heard a familiar whinny. Abelard? Will was puzzled then he figured it out. It's Halt!  The smoke smell got stronger, and the whinnying became louder.

A few moments later Will broke through the trees. "Halt!" he cried, slowing down as he tried to catch his breath. At that a figure's head snapped up. It was definitely Halt.

"Will!" his teacher responded, getting up to greet his young companion. "You're alright." Not a moment later mentor and apprentice embraced each other. Finally Will answered.

"Aside from a nasty knock on the head, yes, I am more than fine." His words were met with a concerned expression from Halt. "Come closer to the fire and I'll take a look." Halt told him. Sitting by the fire, Will allowed Halt to check his head over and bore his ministrations in silence.

"Well," the grizzled Ranger said, sitting down next to the boy, "There's no open wound but if your head bothers you later on let me know." Halt paused then continued. "If I'd known you were so close I would've brought Tug."


The next morning found the mentor-apprentice pair home, safe and sound. They had taken turns riding Abelard. But if Halt had to be honest, Will rode most of the time. "Will," Halt spoke now, "we're-" He was cut off by the realization and sight that Will was asleep in the saddle.

Smiling, Halt carefully picked up his student and brought him inside. Making sure Will was comfortable in his bed, Halt went and unsaddled Abelard. He finally had Will back.

a/n a little update for y'all! sry i've been so inactive but like you might've seen on my profile, I'm getting ready for a move to a new place south of where I live now so there's a lot to do. However, this DOES NOT mean I'll stop. I'll still update, it'll just be slower. Thnx for reading! 

A special thanks to @RAPJ1213 for always voting and commenting and being a very strong support in this RA fanfic.

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