A Frigid Night

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It was mid-winter and Redmont had it worse than usual. That night, in a small cabin in the woods a young boy, barely sixteen lay in bed shivering from the frigid night air. It was too cold to sleep, so Will sat there, shaking like a leaf in the wind. 

This is torture, Will thought, his teeth now chattering. He was about to go get Halt when his teacher came in. "Are you cold Will?" Halt asked, genuinely concerned. All Will could do in response was nod. "Hmm." Halt left for a moment, coming back with extra blankets. 

What he saw was alarming. Will was so cold, his body was locking up. In one swift motion Halt wrapped his apprentice in a cocoon of blankets and brought Will to his own room. Halt set Will down on the bed then went and got himself extra blankets as well.

Lying down, he asked Will, "Any warmer?" Teeth chattering and shivering less vigorously, Will replied, "A bit. Thanks Halt." Halt pulled his pupil into his embrace to keep him as warm as he could. "You're welcome Will," the older man said, "If you need to, go ahead and get up to walk around and warm up."

Soon enough, master and apprentice were asleep and trying to keep each other warm.


The next morning found Halt awake at the crack of dawn. He made sure there was a roaring fire in the fireplace to keep him and Will from freezing. Suddenly Halt heard the patter of footsteps. "Morning Halt." Will said, bundled in a sweater. 

"Hello Will. So I've been thinking-" Will smirked and said, "Always a dangerous pass time." Halt had to laugh at that then continued. "Yes, I know that. Anyway, since it's so cold out today we'll just do geography and Couriers code."

Will nodded, seeing the sense in his teacher's words. "Alright. There's no sense in training outdoors if we're going to end up freezing."

The pair were glad they made it through the frigid night.

a/n short, ik but I'm low on ideas. suggestions are welcome.

Also, an announcement: I would like to have a cover contest.

I need a better cover than what I have so here's what you need to do:

1. Make a RA themed cover, including my username

2. send it to my facebook (Veronica Boire), Instagram (veronica2071, you have 2 request to follow) or email it to kellyrocks0173@gmail.com with the subject line as wattpad RA cover contest.

3. Have fun!

Preferably I'd like to have a person with a bow somewhere on it :) RAPJ1213 pls spread the word, thnx!   

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