He's Back!!!!

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Will had been gone on a mission for the last month, leaving his former mentor to fret over him in his absence. That said, Halt sat on the veranda of Will's little cabin, waiting for the young man's return. This will have been the end of the month his former student had been away.

As he completed that thought, he heard Abelard nicker a greeting to an approaching horse and rider. Upon a closer look, Halt saw that it was Will. "Will!" he called out in an uncharacteristic display of excitement, happiness, and relief.

Will tiredly raised a hand in reply as he rode in, eventually stopping in front of the cabin. "Hello Halt. It's good to see you." Will said in lieu of a greeting. Halt cocked an eyebrow as he began to notice just how tired his young friend really was.

"Go inside and sit down Will. I'll unsaddle Tug." Will was about to protest, but one look from his father-figure and the protest died unspoken. As Will headed inside his cabin Halt was busy tending to Tug. "He works himself too hard." he mused.

I know you worry about him. 

"Of course I worry. I love that stubborn Ranger like a son."

Then why don't you tell him?

Halt sighed. "I don't want him to think I'm being...touchy or soft as some might put it."

Just because of that, you won't tell him what he deserves to know? Come off it and just tell him.

Tug snorted in what might be considered disdain, causing Halt to sigh yet again. "Well, I'm going inside." As he walked up the front steps, Halt thought he heard soft snoring. And he was not to be disappointed. Will was sprawled on his couch, deep into the folds of sleep. Halt couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Deciding to let the young man sleep, Halt began to prepare dinner. He knew Alyss would be by soon to see if her man had gotten home so Halt made enough for them and then some. Just as he finished and was about to wake Will, there was a knock on the door.

Too far gone to either notice or be bothered, Will remained undisturbed, leaving Halt to open the door. In front of him stood the tall, elegant blond Courier. "Evening Alyss." Halt said quietly, not wanting to disturb his former apprentice.    

Smiling, Alyss replied, "Why, hello Halt. How are you?" Leading her inside, he answered, "I'm alright. Will came back awhile ago but he's been sleeping, dead as a rock."  Raising an eyebrow, Alyss said, "You mean that metaphorically, I hope?" Halt chuckled. "Yes. Other than being asleep, he's fine." 

Alyss turned and looked at Will, a soft smile playing at her lips. "You'd think he was as harmless as they come, looking like that." she said, gesturing to the sleeping Ranger. Halt nodded then said, "But you and I both know that he's anything but harmless."

They looked at Will, somewhat amused. "I can be very threatening when I choose to be." came a voice. Will, they realized, was awake. Chuckling, Alyss asked, "Did you enjoy your nap?" Stretching with a yawn on his lips, Will nodded. "Yes, yes I did. Wait...oh no. I forgot about dinner." 

"Good thing I made it while you took that little nap then." Halt spoke up. Will turned around to face his friend, confusion written across his face. Finally he found his voice. "Halt? What on earth are you still here for? Last I remember, you were unsaddling Tug." Halt regarded him with an expression close to sympathetic amusement.

"When you first came in you looked like you were ready to drop of exhaustion. So I stayed to make dinner and keep an eye on you. Although, answering the door to Alyss was a pleasant bonus." Both Ranger's and Courier shared a laugh at the comment. It was just nice that Will, well, he was back home, safe and sound.

a/n this would've been up sooner except my wifi setting on my cpu got screwed up, had to reset it, enter the key then come and update so yeah. But here ya go! 

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