Battle School Bullies

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Will was working on archery practice that morning while Halt attended to business up at the castle. "Never shoot at the same target twice." he'd say. "If you do you'll depend on that shot to judge the rest."

So task set, Will took to the target range and got to work. After three sets Will took a ten minute break. As he casually leaned against a tree, Will kept an eye on the path to the cabin. Suddenly, three Battle School cadets approached him.

"If it isn't the apprentice spy." sneered one.

"He had to save a big, clumsy Battle School apprentice." the second snarked.

"Now you'll pay." stated the third. That's when all hell broke loose. The three older boys advanced on Will, two of them pinned his arms at his sides while the third smirked then began his onslaught of physical abuse.


Halt approached his cabin only to notice something was amiss. Usually the area around the little cottage rang with the sounds of his student's arrows and bow or the knives. No such sounds were present. Halt quickly dismounted, making the gesture that Abelard was to stay where he was. 

Halt went towards the target range where he knew his pupil was supposed to have been practicing his archery. The sight he was left with was a disquieting one.  Will's bow and arrows were carelessly thrown aside and there were obvious signs of a struggle. 

Halt ran his hands over his face, trying to figure out the best course of action. If he left in search of the boy Halt wouldn't be there if Will came back on his own, but on the other he couldn't bear the thought of losing his apprentice.

Eventually Halt decided on waiting to see if Will made it back on his own. 


He could hear footsteps as he lay unarmed and beaten in the grass. "Will?" a voice Will realized was Horace called. "Will, where are you? Answer me, please!" With all the strength he could muster, Will answered weakly, "Horace...." Luckily, Horace heard his friend's reply. "Will, I'm coming! Just hang on." He heard Horace's heavy footfalls getting closer.

"Oh my God, Will." Horace gasped. "What happened to you?" The bigger boy took notice of his friend's battered body. Kneeling next to the apprentice Ranger, Horace pulled out his first aid kit and began taking care of Will as best he could. 

Once he was finished, Horace gathered the smaller boy in his arms and headed towards the cabin. As Horace walked in to the clearing Tug let out an anxious whinny at the sight of his master. Halt came running at the sudden explosion of noise, his eyes finally settling on the small figure in Horace's arms.  

"Bring him inside, quickly now." the gruff Ranger said, anxiety showing in his dark eyes. Once Will was taken care of Halt asked, "What happened Will? Who did this to you?" 

Reluctant at first, Will finally told them the full story; how he had been practicing and the three Battle School apprentices approached him and started falsely accusing Will of something that was completely and utterly out of a sense of selflessness, how they tried, key word, tried to "touch" him. At this Halt's eyes widened in shock and concern.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Halt said, worry etched across his face. He took hold of the young boy's hand in a rare open show of fatherly affection and support. Will curled closer to his mentor sitting on the edge of the bed. "Rest now Will. I'll see that this is taken care of." A look of alarm crossed Will's face and Halt was quick to reassure. "Don't worry. I'll use the utmost discretion, I promise."

Knowing that Halt never went back on his word, Will relaxed somewhat. Eventually he fell into a fitful sleep. 

Exiting quietly, Halt lead Horace out to the main room. Once they were certain they wouldn't disturb the younger Ranger, Horace couldn't keep silent.

"How could they do this to him? Will just did what any decent person would do. Moreover, he saved my life. Battle School students are held under a strict code, just like any knight and they blatantly betrayed it." Horace paused, breathing slightly heavily.

Halt put a hand on the young warriors shoulder. "I know Horace. I'm upset too. That's my apprentice they attacked and that is something I do not take kindly. However, right now he doesn't need to be overwhelmed." 

Seeing Horace open his mouth to say more Halt continued. "I know I'll have to go to Sir Rodney and the Baron but at this current moment, my first concern is Will. I'm worried about him."

Horace nodded, sighing in understanding. "I know you'll do what you have to but Will is my friend." Halt nodded. He understood the friendships shared danger forged. "I understand Horace but trust me, he's in good hands."

Horace smiled wanly. "I don't doubt it. Just, please let me know if you need anything." Halt nodded. "I will." Horace cracked a smile at the unintended joke but made no comment.


Once Horace left, Halt returned to his young pupil's side, resuming his vigil. He would get to the bottom this. 

a/n I am soooooooo sorry for being MIA for so long! Horrible writers block and life got busy. And life is continuing to get busier and busier. I have a job now and while it's seasonal, there's every chance I may get hired permanently. My writing has taken a backseat for now but I'll try to update when I get the chance. See ya 'round!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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