Oh No (pt2)

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Halt looked worriedly at his young pupil. Will had been bedridden with a fever for the better part of the last day or two, Halt wasn't sure. "Come on Will," he said anxiously, "You have to break this fever." For what seemed to be the millionth time in the last hour, Halt changed the cold cloth on the boy's head.

Gilan had stayed, he knew. Gilan tended to Will if Halt himself needed to rest. "Halt," he said, walking in, "take a break and eat something or at least get a cup of coffee."

Halt sighed. "Alright," he relented, "If his fever gets any worse come and get me." Gilan nodded, knowing that his former teacher was concerned for Will. Once Halt left the room Gilan took a seat by Will's bed. "Well Will," Gilan said now, "this a quite a pickle you're in." 


Will seemed to improve over the course of the day. He woke several times, mostly to ask for a drink or some food but there were times where he and Gilan sat in his room and talked.  Like that moment. 

"You did what?" Will asked, bewildered. Gilan nodded with a rueful smile on his face. "I took the thief and his friends and had them tied up and left them there." Will shook his head, amused. "That's one way to deal with that sort of thing." Just then Halt came in. "Alright you hooligans," he said in a mock annoyed tone, "that's enough for now."

As Halt finished talking Will tried to stifle a yawn. Laying back, Will spoke. "I'm tired anyway." Halt looked his way with a rare expression of sympathy. "Then sleep. If you're body is telling you to rest, listen to it."

Gilan nodded in agreement. "Go to sleep Will. We'll be here in the morning." That said, Will hunkered down for some sleep.


The next day Will woke to the sound of birds singing and the sound of feet moving about the small cabin. He was feeling much better. Sitting up, Will stretched his arms over his head and bent backwards. With all the kinks worked out, Will got dressed. 

Once he was done Will sat on his bed, unsure of what to do. Not a moment later Halt walked in. "Oh," he said, surprised though not showing it, "You're up and dressed. Feeling better?" Will just nodded, his throat still a little raw. Halt seemed to pick up on the fact. "Your throat sore?" Again, Will nodded.

"Hmm. Are you able to walk to the table?" asked Halt. In answer, Will stood up and walked to his bedroom door, paused then nodded. Putting an arm around the boy's shoulders, Halt and Will went to the dining table.

Halt left for a moment, presumably getting breakfast for Will. As he waited, Will looked towards the door just as Gilan came in. "Will!" he said, happy and excited to see his friend up and about. "It's good to see you up and around."

"Up maybe," Halt interjected, "but not around. His throat is still sore."

But overall, The friends were extremely happy because Will was going to be alright. 

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