Burning Down The Bridge

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a/n what would have happened if Will and Evanlyn hadn't been captured? this one shot will hopefully answer that question. 

"Hurry!" Will nearly shouted, striking his flint and steel against each other. "We need to burn this bridge down!" Evanlyn and Horace beside him, Will worked as hard and fast as he could, hoping to destroy the one path for Morgarath's forces. 

Soon the cables on both sides were burn fiercely, but now there was a new danger. Turning, Will saw a group of Skandians. "Evanlyn, go." said Will, "Get out of here and head for the King's army camp on the Plains of Uthal." Evanlyn knew she had to go but even so, she was loathe to agree.

Still, Evanlyn turned and scampered back across the bridge, flames at her heels. A look from Will and Horace followed. Will took a few minutes to dwindle down the Skandian's numbers, killing some and injuring others as they advanced. 

Once he was satisfied with his handiwork, Will dashed across the planks that weren't burning yet but had seconds before they too, were engulfed in flames. On the other side now, Will ran to his horse, swinging in to the saddle. "Go Tug!" he shouted, setting his horse into the gallop he was bred to maintain.

Soon rider and mount were clear of the danger and heading for the safety of the army camp.


Meanwhile Horace and Evanlyn were nearly to their destination. The Fissure wasn't that far from the Plains. For the moment however, they were taking a break, eating as they walked, Kicker in tow. "I wonder how Will is doing." Evanlyn said quietly, eyes cast downward. 

Horace turned to her now and replied, "I'm sure he's fine and on his way. Will doesn't die easily." He spoke with a confidence he didn't feel. After that they lapsed in to silence once more. Hours passed as they maintained their alternation between riding and walking. Soon the Plains came in to view, the army camp just a few hundred yards away.

As they rode in to the camp Horace spotted Sir Rodney. Gesturing for her to wait, Horace saluted his teacher. Rodney smiled after all the formalities were done with. "Horace, my boy!" Relief flooded the older man's face. "You're back safe and sound." Horace smiled tightly. "Yes, well, it's quite a story but right now me and this young lady here," he gestured to Evanlyn, "have finished a mad dash ride to get here so..."

Horace trailed off, leaving it up to his mentor to get the intended message. Eventually, he did. "Oh," Rodney said, "Go and rest then. And for pity's sake, eat something." With that, Rodney walked off and the two young, travel stained youths were shown to tents to rest.


The camp came in to view as Will rode the final stretch of the journey. He had been going at the Ranger's force march pace, forty minutes in the saddle, twenty minutes jogging so that Tug could travel unburdened. Now, as he rode in to the King's army camp, Will swayed in the saddle, barely catching himself. 

"Just a little more boy." Will murmured now. Head hung low, Tug made it to what was obviously the command tent. Slowly, Will dismounted, stumbling in the process. "Will!" a deep, familiar voice cried. "Halt..." Will mumbled, dazed with exhaustion. Catching his apprentice as he fell, Halt said, "You need rest. Let's get you to a tent." At this, Will shook his head. "Message for the Council. It's urgent." 

Halt raised both eyebrows at his apprentice's protest. "Alright," he relented, "But after this, you rest. No objections. Is that clear?" Will, smiling tiredly, nodded his consent to his mentor's proposal. A moment later they were shown in to the tent in front of them.

Going down on one knee, Will bowed his head, his body screaming at him all the while. "Ranger Apprentice Will, Your Majesty." Halt said, "With messages regarding the transportation of Morgarath's troops."

The men of the council looked at the pair, puzzled looks on their faces. "Yes? What is it?" Duncan asked. And so Will told the story, how they saw the half constructed bridge and knew it had to be destroyed. How him, Horace, and the girl, Evanlyn barely got out with their lives. Once Will finished speaking the men in the tent whistled. 

"That must have been quite the adventure," Sir David said, astonishment evident on his face. "And you were willing to risk yourself to ensure the safety of your comrades?" 

At this, Will answered, "Yes sir. I took an oath when I joined the Ranger Corps, to protect and defend the Kingdom with my life. I have a responsibility to uphold that oath." As he stopped talking, Will swayed on his feet. Concern flashed across Duncan's face. 

"I'm sorry Will. We've kept you here with our questions and you are obviously exhausted." He turned to address Halt. "Halt, see to it that your apprentice receives food and rest." Halt inclined his head in a small bow. "Yes. Of course my lord." And with that, Halt led his student to a tent to rest then later he'd get the boy some food.

It was good to see Will, safe and sound.  

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