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Name: Cassidy Rose Potter

Age: 18 (Mentally/Physically), 14(Physically) I'll go more in depth on this later

Looks: Long auburn red hair, emerald-green eyes with brown around the pupil, pale skin, a tall body with large muscles, lightning bolt cut on cheek, a heart-shaped scar on her right wrist with the letters TR in it.

Godfather(s): Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy (Self Proclaimed)

Godmother(s): Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa Malfoy (Self Proclaimed), Bellatrix Lestrange (Self Proclaimed)

Likes: Reading, writing, painting, sketching, potions, Dark Arts, Death Eaters, Training, Singing, Her Pets, her instruments.

Pets: Eagle-owl (Regulus), King Cobra (Emperor), Norwegian Ridgeback (Norbert), Cerberus (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos), Hippogriff (Buckbeak), Unicorn (Iris)

Powers: Seer, Chmeee (animal-speak), Necromancer (Mistress of Death), Death-speak (Ability to speak to Thestrals/Dementors), metamorphagus, eidetic memory.

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