SasoDei fanfic chap 20 {This Love}

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Chapter 20


It's been about 6 months. My leg has healed profoundly. Sasori has made me a false leg out of wood to enable me to walk with ease. It took a while to get used to, and I still can't do a lot, but it's the best it's gonna get. I'm happy, though. I, in fact, can sometimes accompany my love on long walks through the cool, damp woods. I cannot train. I do feel quite useless sometimes. I do, I admit, feel quite helpless at times when Sasori must work yet I cannot.

"Deidara." Sasori says, walking I to the kitchen where I'm sitting, writing. I put my book aside and turn to him. "Hmm?" I smile. "Everything's done." He smiles and sits down next to me. "Danna, you don't resent me, do you?" I ask, a worried expression on my face and I grasp him hand in mine. He looks shocked. "No! Deidara, why would I ever-" "Because I'm useless." I look down. "Not to me. Not to me you aren't." "What do you mean?" He stands.

"I mean that you're always going to be perfect in my eyes. It amazes me, and makes me admire you even more as a human that even though you're still hurt and recovering, you're still worrying about me... Deidara, you're everything to me... Yes, we may argue about trivial things sometimes, but I still love you, and I always will. And people have their ups and downs. We may not be perfect, but I think that we both try our best and that's all that matters... You're perfect to me, Deidara."

My eyes go wide. "S-Sasori, I..." I'm at a loss for words. He's never said anything like that to me, ever. I know he means every word he says, and for that I'm great full. My flushed cheeks sting at the onset of tears, and I don't try to hold them back... I don't know how many times Sasori has stopped my tears, and I admit I'm a bit of a crybaby, but his words seem to just move me in a way nothing else could've.

"I love you, Sasori..." I stand up and bury my face in his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Mmm... Dei..." "Thank you." He hold me tight. "This has all been a lot for us, I know. And if know it seems like it'll never end, but I just can't imagine going through all of this with another person." He coos into my ear. "Danna..."

He pulls away a bit to bend down and place a sweet kiss upon my lips. I close my eyes as I kiss him back, running my fingers through his hair. He gently presses me against the wall I'm standing near, shifting his weight to kiss me again. And again. And again... His kisses become less fragile, stronger, as he angles his head a bit. Though still not becoming frantic, his kisses are passionate, eager, full of emotion he'd never show upon his face. His hands on either side of me, he kisses me fiercely. "Sasori..." I whimper through a pause. I pull him closer.

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