I Think You're Pretty Great [Professor Sycamore x Reader]

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I... I honestly don't Know who or what to write anymore. I have literally no diversity in my stories. Lol.


Augustine has been worried about one of the new lab assistants. They've been very distant from everyone else and don't really talk all too much. Augustine figured they were just super shy and thst would fix with time, but he was starting to get the vibes that it wasn't just being super shy. It almost had a depressing feeling about it. Augustine had to do something about it.

So he decided to follow you to a place where you would be alone together. He made sure to be extra sneaky about it. He learned from one of the Chespins that you really loved the smaller things with meaning, so he went out and got you a nice fairy crystal necklace. He figured a gift would he,o you open up a little bit.

There you were, sitting in the disclosed room with most of the starters that haven't been chosen by beginner trainers yet. Fennekins, Froakies, And Chespins surrounded you. You took out a picnic basket and started handing out different colored pokepuffs for each and every Pokémon. You had a sad smile, but a smile none of the less. 

Augustine took this moment as his chance. He walked around behind you as you gave the last blue pokepuff to the Froakie. You placed the basket by your feet and sighed, letting your smile fall. Augustine watched your hand go up to your eyes and rub them. While you were doing thid, Augustine wrapped the necklace around your neck and clicked it quick. Then he slipped into the seat next to you.

"It's a Fairy Crystal, like it?"

He could tell you were very surprised  not expecting anything like that. Was it because of your heightened pulse? Or was it the wuicker breathing and wild eyes? The correct answer was all of the above. You composed yourself quickly and Augustine arched a sad smile paint over your lips. It wasn't genuine.

"It's a lovely gift, thank you Professor."

Augustine frowned. This clearly wasn't the kind of smile he wanted. He believed everhone should be happy and live in peace. You certainly did not have a peace with you. Augustine looked deep in your eyes, searching for answers. They do say the eyes are the window to the soul after all.

"Is it not to your liking? Or is it something you're unhappy about?"

He watched you flinch, realizing your act wasn't working on him. He knew the exact thoughts running through your mind. This wasn't exactly his first rodeo. Augustine kept his compassionate smile and listening ears on. He kept eye contact with you to let you know he was here and listening. He wanted you to be happy too.

"Oh! No no no! It's lovely! I love the fairy crystal! The light pink is gorgeous..."

You trailed off, lifting the small stone up a little so you could see it from around your neck. Augustine didn't fail to notice your lack of answering his second question. He notices these small little things. It must be the second one, because that look in your eye showed content and fondness for the crystal. At least he did this part right.

"Then Is it something at home? Maybe I can  help you."

Augustine reached over and placed a comforting hand on your leg. Innocently. You dropped the crystal, darted your eyes towards his hand, and then looked him in the eye. You're fsce was flushing red. Embarassment? Why we're you embarassed? It was just him, Professor Sycamore, trying to cheer you up. Physical contact usually makes people feel more at ease, right? At least that's what he thought. Maybe he was wrong. He watched you look down again, fiddling w your thumbs and stammering cutely.

"Well, I, uh. No not really. I just, Well, uh... can we not talk about it? I'd rather just be here with the Pokémon. Oh! Uh! And you! That is if im not a bother or anything, boss, err, Professor."

Oh, he can see what's happening yeah. It wasn't no his first time having one of these scenarios too. Augustine just smiled at you as he watched you lift your fsce with your lower lip bitten anxiously. You were nervous and embarrassed about him touchin you because you were dealing with a crush on him. That would explain the distance, so you could figure yourself out about having a crush on your employer.

"Well, I think you're pretty great and I'd love to stay right here with you. That is if you don't mind my company."

He watched your lips turn into a complete smile as you nodded eagerly. Augustine chuckled and moved his hand from your leg on top of your own. He could practically feel the radiation of your blush on him. He wasn't like Soecial Agent Gibbs with rule number twelve. In fact, he liked it when one of his coworkers has a relationship with him. It allows them to spend more time together. Unfortunately they susually get jealous and quit their jobs when it's broken off. But no matter.

Augustine Sycamore has a new company. And you're pretty great.

Wow, this was terrible. I'm so sorry everyone.


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