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"You're sending your own daughter to spy for the enemy? Are you insane?!"

"We don't have a choice!"

"Listen to yourself! Kai, think this through! You're sending our only daughter to the heart of the enemy! Did you consider the dangers of her being surrounded by those people?"

"Anna, we're running out of options. We have to do this!"

"No! There's no way I'll allow you to sacrifice our own daughter!"

"Anna! This is for the good of the country! If we don't send her, who do you think will?"

That night, a young girl was peeking behind the door to her room as she heard her parents fight with each other. Her mom was in tears and her dad looked frustrated. She hasn't seen them fight her entire life. She clutched onto the teddy bear in her arms, silently praying that whatever misconception they had will be solved soon.

She closed the door with a soft click, catching the attention of her parents but she didn't notice it as she walked back to her bed and slid under the covers.

"Think about it, Kai," her mother spoke before she stood up headed towards her room. "Think about our little angel."

Her dad was running out of options. There was a sudden stir in the world of villains as their activities suddenly increased over the past few months. Being in the police force, he was the head of the assignment he was tasked with: infiltrate the Villain Alliance. But how? How will a weak individual like him be successful in this assignment?

He didn't want to draw blood nor want others to sacrifice themselves. But his daughter . . .

The thought of having his daughter infiltrate the Alliance drove him wild. He wanted his daughter to achieve great things at such a young age, like he did when he was young. But he never even bothered to weigh the pros and cons of sending his own daughter and allow the enemies to raise her.

Especially with a unique quirk like hers, no one can resist such untapped power.

That's why, three days later, Kai was saying goodbye to both his daughter and his wife.

Little did he know it was the biggest mistake of his life.

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