𝕏𝕍𝕀𝕀: ℍ𝕠𝕨 ℂ𝕒𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦 ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝔹𝕖 𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕

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The training went on until around four in the afternoon, and surprisingly enough, Class 1-B had joined your training later that morning. And now, with both your shoulders dislocated and relocated multiple times, and a numbing pain lingering all throughout both your arms, you and the rest of the classes stood in front of a picnic area.

"It's like I told you yesterday–that was the only day you'd be troubling us over your meals!" Pixie-Bob exclaimed as she motioned to the ingredients placed on top of the tables.

"From now on, if you want to have a nice meal, you make it yourselves! Here, curry!!" Ragdoll added as her left arm–paw–went up and down in the air. Then a thought suddenly hit you.

I don't know how to cook.

"Everyone!" Iida's voice towered over the groans of the students. "Let's make the best curry in the world!"

A few groans that you classified as a cheer came from a few students before he literally dragged a few students near him by their arms, which caused the others to follow.

You followed their lead with half closed eyes. Iida began to assign groups to do certain tasks and you found yourself designated to the cut-the-ingredients-to-size committee. You found an empty spot and placed some of the ingredients you brought with you on the bench. You pulled out the chopping board and knife from the container and began to slice your way through the numbers. Beside you, Bakugou took his spot and silently helped you with the task.

"Woah! Bakugou, I didn't know that you're good with a knife," Uraraka commented as she delivered another container filled with uncut ingredients.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M GOOD?! HOW CAN YOU NOT BE GOOD WITH A FUCKING KNIFE?!" The blond exclaimed, returning to his old explosive self.

You chuckled silently as you cut the ingredients as easily and as cleanly as Bakugou did. In fact, the both of you finished your parts before the others can, which lead you to help them while Bakugou went to bring the ingredients to the cooking area.

You silently helped them, and when the task was through, you went ahead and helped wash the used paraphernalia. As soon as the food was ready, everyone immediately dug in.

You suddenly found yourself eating serving after serving of curry and you noticed that you weren't the only one. Yaoyorozu and Ashido were already at their third serving, and the boys probably had their fifth.

Again, that same feeling the first time you ate together with the class resurfaced, and you suddenly found your insides warming up a bit.

"[L/n]-chan, are you alright?" Ashido noticed that you paused from completely bringing a spoon full of rice to your lips. With a small nod, you continued eating as you tried to ignore the concerned look Ashido was giving you.

While you and the rest of the class are enjoying your meals, somewhere above the mountains, a group of people appeared, all thanks to you and the hidden tracker that you didn't know that you brought with you.

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