𝕏𝕏𝕀: 𝕀 𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕌𝕡 𝕋𝕠 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕄𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 ℍ𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕟𝕤

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last chapter next week!

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One moment, you and the others were trying to save Bakugou from the hands of the League, the next, you found yourself waking up in a hospital.

You groaned as pain suddenly filled your senses. A few voices called out to you, but you couldn't match the voices with names. All you can do was shut your eyes as you held back your cries of pain.

"You're going to be fine, miss. Just calm down," a nurse reassured you as she injected something in your IV. A few moments later, the pain gradually disappeared, making you take in a deep breath.

"W-wh- how long have I been here?" you asked, your voice hoarse.

"Two days, but don't worry. Your school's nurse came in and worked on you, so you should be fine. The poison in your body was removed though you needed some blood transfusion. But nonetheless, you're fine now," the nurse explained before she finished taking your vitals and left. A moment later, Uraraka's head poked through your door and the rest of the class piled in.

"I'm glad you woke up," she stated. Your eyes counted the number of students present, and noticed that aside from Bakugou, four students were missing.


"W-where's Midoriya? And Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Hagakure?" you asked as you strained to sit up. Mina helped you up.

"Jirou and Hagakure are still unconscious from the gas," Iida spoke, surprising you. "Yaoyorozu is also here at the hospital after sustaining serious head trauma. She regained consciousness yesterday, and Midoriya kept fainting in agony and had several cases where his fever would go up and down."

You looked away, clenching your free hand-which happens to be your right as the entirety of your left arm down to your fingertips are covered in bandages. Biting your lip, you felt your shoulders tremble as you said, "Aizawa . . . that asshole fucking over did himself this time."

"Huh? What do you mean, [L/n]? Kaminari asked.

"I . . ."

Should you tell them that you knew about the objectives of the League?

"[L/n], you know you can tell us, right? We won't judge you," Asui stated comfortingly.

You let out a sigh before saying, "I warned Aizawa that the League was coming for Bakugou, but he fucking ignored me and decided to proceed with this shitty ass summer camp!"

The whole room was silent. "I told him that this was a stupid plan. Fuck! Why didn't I do anything about it? I . . . I could've stopped them but . . . but . . ."

"You knew? How?" Kirishima's voice was low. His arm was trembling due to his clenched fist.

"Kurogiri fucking told me, that's why," you replied. "I would've told you guys about this, but no, Aizawa told me to 'keep my mouth shut' to not worry you guys."

"W-why, [L/n]? How . . ."

"I don't know, okay? Ever since that night, I've been racking my head trying to figure out how the fuck did they manage to fucking find us in the middle of the woods," you replied as you uncurled your first, a small grey glyph turning around your palm. "I'm sorry."

: :

Night fell and you found yourself walking up the stairs of a very familiar building.

Slamming the door open, you were welcomed by a set of both new and familiar faces, but most of all . . .

"Bakugou," your eyes landed on the ash blond that was tied up on a chair near the bar.

Bakugo's eyes widened in surprise, but since his back was facing your way, you didn't see his expression.

"Ah, Snowflake! What took you so long?" Shigaraki greeted with open arms from his spot on the bar as you slammed the door close with your foot.

Your eyes fell on him and on the girl who was on the other side of the bar who was sprawled on the top. It was the blond who had assaulted Uraraka and Asui, you mentally took note. Then near the monitor was the buffed man with plump lips, the one who went after Midoriya. And if it weren't for the lizard man, who was leaning against the wall, stopping him, who knows what could've happened. Then there was the man who captured both Tokoyami and Bakugou at the far wall, also leaning against it with arms crossed. Then a man wearing a full body suit was near Shigaraki, arms crossed. And then there's Dabi who was standing to the left of Bakugou. All of them looked your way expectantly.

"And this is what's left of your raiding team, Dabi?" you scoffed. "Pathetic. I thought you've selected the best of the worst out there."

Dabi scoffed, "Unfortunately, I don't have a say on who my team is."

Your brows raised a brow at Shigaraki's direction. He had his father's hand on, making you glare at him. You approached the chair Bakugou was strapped to and placed a hand on the back of the chair, slightly grazing the back of his neck with your bandaged fingers.

"Sorry about your arm, Snowflake. Gotta make things believable, remember?" Dabi stated, a smug look was plastered on his face.

"Is it raining outside, Princess?" Kurogiri appeared at the bar, preparing a shot of rum for you.

You were currently wearing an oversized coat that ends near your ankles. But underneath it, you wore a grey long-sleeved shirt and dark pants and your costume's boots, your rapier tucked at your hips.

You only glared at him as he slid the rum glass to you. You picked it up before sniffing it, twirling the amber liquid as you kept your left arm at the back of Bakugou's seat, working on a glyph.

"Maybe. Can't a person walk around like this?"

"Well, since we're all here," Shigaraki decided to break the unseen tension in the air before launching into a speech as the screen from across Bakugou lit up, showing Aizawa together with Nezu and Vlad King on a press conference addressing the incident that occurred the past few days.

"The moment the simple act of providing protection started meriting compensation was the moment the heroes stopped being heroes," the lizard man stated.

"You like winning too, right, Katsuki Bakugou?" Shigaraki stated catching your attention. This is bad. He's trying to win him over. "Release him Dabi."

"What? No way. Twice, you do it," Dabi looked at the fully suited man.

"Who, me?! No way!!" But nevertheless, the guy went and worked on Bakugou's restraints.

"You've gotta understand that we're not just some violent mob dedicated to doing so-called evil acts," Shigaraki stated. "We didn't take you on a whim. Everyone here's got different circumstances, but whether it's other people or 'the rules' or even heroes, we've all suffered in their shackles. And you of all people should appreciate that . . ."

Just as Shigaraki was offering his hand towards Bakugou, you splashed him with the amber liquid in your hand, catching him off guard and Bakugou immediately took the opportunity and sent out an explosion to his face, knocking the hand off attached to the front of his face.

The chair fell down due to his sudden movements, and as the smoke cleared, Bakugou stated, "I tried not saying a word and just listening, but you've been rambling for so fucking long I can't take it! Idiots don't know how to make their story short and sweet so they flap their gums forever!"

Bakugou stood up and he seemed to fall back to you, who had dropped the coat and was now pointing your rapier to the rest of the League, an orange glyph spinning lazily at the tip.

He added, "Long story short, you're begging me to join you 'cause you wanna harass heroes, right?!" His glare turned feral. "That ain't happening. I look up to the figure All Might strikes when he wins! And no matter what any of you say to me, that's not gonna change."

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