𝕍𝕀𝕀𝕀: 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝔸 𝔽𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℙ𝕒𝕨𝕟

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You were now sitting in an interrogation room; head turned to the side as a stinging pain was throbbing on your left eye from the gun the person used to head-butt you. The man was aiming to hit the side of your head, but you jerked your head to the side just as his gun was aiming for your temple.

You were still wearing your blood-stained dress from two nights ago. For some reason, you couldn't activate your quirk. "Eraser Head is here, isn't he?"

The man only gave you a scowl, pressing the end of the gun to your temple. You only smirked, "Go ahead, and pull it. End my life. One less villain to deal with, isn't that what you assholes want?"

Your eyes met; ocean blue eyes taunting hazel ones. When the man's hand only trembled, you scoffed. "Some cop you are."

"Shut up!" He bellowed. "You're going to tell me your objectives whether you like it or not."

"Or what? Send me to Tartarus like you did to Stain?" You taunted again. You just learned yesterday that Stain was defeated by Tenya Iida and two of his friends who came to assist him.

"Don't test me, kid."

"Oh, I get to do what I want, old man," you replied, earning another punch to the face. The metallic taste of blood filled your mouth, making you spit on the ground. "Huh, that's it? I didn't feel a thing!"

"Why yo–"

"That's enough, Sasagawa," the voice spoke through the intercom. The man, Sasagawa, mumbled something under his breath as he stashed his gun away on his holster before exiting the room.

Since your hands were tied to the back of the chair, you couldn't wipe the blood that was trailing down your chin. And it irked you.

The door to the room opens once again after a minute. Your gaze snapped to the direction of the door, only to see a few kids in grey uniforms staring at you with unreadable expressions.

The man who entered closed the door and spoke, "Snowflake."

A scowl appeared on your face as you beheld the figure's features. "What are you doing here, rat?" You spat at the short humanoid.

The small figure took a seat on the chair across you before placing the folders in his hand on top of the table and opening it. He then turned it around so that it faces you and pushed it towards your direction. Your gaze fell on the papers questioningly until your eyes gazed on a familiar name.

"Where the fuck did you get these?" You growled.

"I have my ways," the rat replied. "Although, I am curious Miss Nakazawa [Y/n]: were you the one who killed your own father eight years ago?"

You felt your blood freeze. You were sure as hell that your father's death looked like an accident. You made sure of it, because that was how Shigaraki and the mysterious man accepted you into their organization.

When you didn't answer, he continued. "There was a case about the Villain Alliance over ten years ago. A police officer named Kai Nakazawa was in charge of handling the case and he was running out of ideas how to infiltrate the organization. And did you remember what he decided to do?"

You kept quiet, glaring daggers at the document in front of you. You remembered Shigaraki's word last time when you infiltrated USJ, making you seethe, "He sent his own daughter in like a fucking pawn."

That seemed to silent the man. Then you raised your gaze and stared at him, "Tell me, Nezu. How long does it take to save a person?"

Nezu didn't reply as his joined palms were resting at the table. So you continued, "Nine years. For nine long fucking years, I waited for someone, like that piece of shit Kai told me to do a long time ago. He said that someone will come for me when I gathered enough intel, but guess what? Nobody came. Nobody bothered looking for me. Even after I killed him, no one remembered that he had a daughter in the hands of the enemy. That's why," your glare turned murderous as you looked at the principal of UA. "I completely surrendered myself to the dark."

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