𝕏: 𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝔼𝕩𝕒𝕞𝕤 𝕀𝕀

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You were standing at the stadium where they held the sports festival.

You were confused as you didn't see any signs that said 'exit' or were you given capture cuffs or whatever it was called.

So there you were, standing face to face with All Might with your rapier on hand.

"Now, young Naka–"

"[L/n]," you cut the hero off. "I'd rather be called [L/n]."

All Might nodded and tried again. "[L/n], as you can see, you weren't given the same objectives as your classmates. Instead, you are here with one objective. Kill, or be killed."

You scrunched your brows together as your grip tightened on your rapier. Those words were already a threat in itself. If it was All Might saying those words, you'd be damned if he was lying.

Despite the pinch of horror running down your veins, you managed to smirk, "Eager to get me back from USJ?"

All Might just smiled at you before charging, in an instant, he was beside you, grabbing your head by his hand before throwing you towards the bleachers. You were completely caught off guard as you felt your back hit the chairs, sending a bone-rattling pain down your back.

"So that's how it is, huh?"

You stood up and enhanced yourself: extra speed, endurance and stamina. You glanced at All Might who was waiting for your move. Without hesitation, you summoned a glyph underneath the two of you before activating it, a soft yellow glow appearing underneath you two. All Might looked down in surprise but you made your leap as you flew towards him. Both of you are affected by a time dilation glyph, his reaction time and movements will be slowed down while yours will be enhanced. You appeared in front of him, summoning a red glyph at the tip of your rapier as you aimed it at him before a powerful blast of flames engulfed him. Then with a flick of your other hand, the glyph expanded, sending more flames on his direction.

You can hear him complain about how hot it was, but he still doesn't seem to falter. Pointing your open right palm at him, you summoned a yellow glyph above him before showering him with lightning. Then you summoned a black glyph underneath him, altering the gravitational pull on his body and multiplied it by tenfold. You saw his figure fall to his knees as he can barely keep his balance. You smirked evilly. This was something that would've happened back at USJ if it weren't for that green head interrupting you and that four eyes escaping.

If only Shigaraki can see how pathetic All Might looks right now.

But then you saw the black glyph crack. Your smirk faltered, replaced by a scowl. Could it be?

Summoning multiple elemental glyphs at once won't make them as strong as summoning the element individually. With the power having to spread between each summoned glyph, you knew that there was a limit on how many different types of glyphs you could summon.

You seized the flames and lightning, revealing the barely standing All Might. You're surprised to see his costume still intact. Hmm, must be a fireproof material.

All Might struggled to move, causing more cracks on the glyph. You sighed. As much as you wanted to play with All Might, you're still participating in the practical exams, meaning that you're being scrutinized by a few mysterious individuals.

Raising your rapier to the air, a small ounce of pain shot through your arm, yet you produced several grey glyphs on top of All Might. They stacked up as they went past the stadium's height. A deadly expression settled on your face as your ocean blue orbs turned lethal. All Might seemed to notice this as he had increased his struggle.

"You're just making it worse, All Might," you stated, feeling the final glyph form in the air.

He looked up, suddenly freezing on his spot as he saw the glyphs on top of him. All Might can sense Aizawa running towards the stadium. He was certain that everyone saw how powerful Snowflake–[Y/n]–is, even if you were going up against him. But All Might knew that if it weren't for him nearing his muscle form's limit, he can easily defeat you. But ever since the USJ incident, he can barely keep his form up for forty minutes.

And he was nearing his zero minute. Fast.

"Sleep tight," was all that left your lips you swung your rapier down, causing the glyphs to come crashing down on the weakened hero.

"ALL MIGHT!!" Uraraka Ochako cried as she and her classmates watched the events unfold. Glyph after glyph fell down on All Might, and since she had counted over forty grey glyphs floating in the air, she knew the worst is yet to come.

Aizawa busted through the scene, golden goggles concealing his eyes as he activated his quirk and used his scarf to wrap around your extended arm and rapier. He managed to stop the attack as you dropped to your knees, feeling suddenly lightheaded and a weird sensation running through your dominant arm.

You awaited as the smoke cleared, only to find All Might in his normal form, lying unmoving on the ground. Recovery Girl and Cementoss were suddenly in front of you, the latter created a small hut to conceal All Might's true form as Recovery Girl checked his injuries.

Your gaze went skywards, seeing your glyphs beginning to deteriorate, turning into grey snowflakes before falling. The glittering flakes fell softly on the ground, undisturbed by the soft breeze that passed by.

You stood up and picked your rapier up before placing it on its place by your hip. You waited until Aizawa placed a hand on your shoulder before leading you out of the stadium. A small smile was plastered on your lips, feeling triumphant as you had successfully made the number one hero fall down to his knees.

I'll make them bow, one by one.

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