𝕏𝕏: 𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕝𝕝 𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕪 ℍ𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕌𝕤

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a short chapter cuz why not

two more chapters left!!

also, i just discovered the video above and im laughing my sorry ass off. i thought id share it with you guys coz its a gem

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"Dammit! He's too fast!"

"If only Iida were here . . ." the six of you were now running after the direction where the masked man was going.

"The only way to catch up is to go up."

"Uraraka quick!!" Midoriya suddenly spoke. "Make us float, and then fling us while we're weightless using your tongue, Asui. Shouji, you can lug us while using your arms to correct our trajectory! It'll be fine as long as you can see all of us Uraraka, then you can judge how close we are to catching to him and release us!"

Your brows quipped as Midoriya suddenly gave out instructions. You can sense in his voice that he was desperate but you kept your mouth shut.

"I see," Shouji commented. "Like a fastball, right?"

"Wait, hold on, Deku! Are you going to move again with those wounds?" Uraraka asked, concerned was present in her voice.

"You stay here," Todoroki stated. "You're in too much pain to even–"

"Right now, I know no pain," Midoriya cut him off, his features are unreadable. "I can move, so c'mon, let's go!"

It's been over an hour since you've soothed his pain after he came back with Kouta. You're also starting to feel the pain on your left arm, and it won't be long until you won't be able to use both your arms.

"Here, Deku. Use this at least," Uraraka tore of her shirt, leaving her in her tank top. She made a support for Midoriya's arm using her torn shirt and a few pieces of wood.

"I'm coming with you," you stated.

"No, you're staying here," Todoroki stated. "You can barely use your quirk back there, and like you said, you've been poisoned. You'll only hinder us if something bad happens to you."

You weren't fazed on Todoroki's bluntness. In fact, you expected this. But you can't just stay back and not do anything, especially that your old faction was involved. Who knows what can happen!

"Listen, like what that guy said, they're headed to their recovery point. Who knows how many villains you guys are going to go up against!" you stated as you gave them a determined glare. "I can still fight."

"But–" Todoroki was cut off when Uraraka touched you and Asui wrapped her tongue around the four of you.

"This is no time to argue over this!" Asui stated as she threw the four of you into the air. "SAVE THOSE TWO NO MATTER WHAT!!"

The four of you were shot into the air. Shouji grabbed onto Todoroki while he grabbed onto you. Biting your lip, you summoned a black glyph behind the four of you before you activated it, giving the four of you more boost. Your right arm exploded in another wave of pain but you ignored it.

Instantly, you guys caught up with the masked man. Shouji threw you and Todoroki towards him and the both of you tackled him mid-air. You landed on his back as you held in on a chokehold. His hand immediately went to your arm as he tried to claw himself free. Todoroki froze his hand, making sure he stopped just before your arms got hit.

"Give them back!!" Midoriya yelled from behind you before you suddenly felt your weight return to you. Uraraka must have cancelled her quirk on you.

A quick jab to your head had made you release your grip on the man as you freely fell from the sky, but Shouji luckily caught you in time. As the ground neared, you saw Midoriya stand on top of the man, while Todoroki was to his right, holding onto his coat and Shouji to his left, his hands digging through his pockets.

"Ah, if it isn't the heroes."

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