𝕏𝕀𝕀: 𝕊𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕝 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖

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You were all gathered back in your classroom the next day. The results of the exam were announced, and even though you weren't actually 'participating', your score was shown on the board along with the others.

[L/n] [Y/n]. Written: passed. Practical: passed.

A scoff left your lips as you saw your name. You were seated in your seat, noting that four of your classmates hadn't passed the practical.

"When the bell rings, then you take your seats!" Aizawa suddenly slammed the door open and those who were standing scrambled to their seats. Aizawa made his way to the teacher's desk before setting whatever he was carrying with him on top of the table. "Now, about your end-of-term exams, I hate to say that some of you have failed. And as such, EVERYBODY'S GOING TO THE FOREST LODGE!"

"WHAT A TWIST!!" the four students who didn't pass rejoiced as you can practically felt their relief radiating off them.

You tuned their voices out with a huff. Your mind wandered off to random places, thinking about what are the best possible ways to endure the whole week of torture you were expecting Aizawa to subject you and your classmates. When the class ended, the majority of your classmates had planned to go shopping somewhere at Kiyashi. And of course, you never expected any of them to invite you, not until the invisible girl approached you together with the gravity girl.

"[L/n]-chan, would you like to come with us?" Ochaco Uraraka asked with a small smile playing on her lips. You eyed the brunette, trying to read through the façade she plastered on her features.

"No thanks. I'm under strict regulations not to leave the campus unless a teacher is accompanying me," you replied truthfully.

You almost sensed the two girls let out a breath of relief. Huh, don't even play with me.

"Well, that's too bad," Touru Hagakure stated with an almost disappointed tone. "We were hoping to get to know you more."

You couldn't keep your brow from rising up, so you offered, "Maybe some other time?"

That seemed to work as the two girls nodded viciously before joining with the others who are heading home. You've learned that Todoroki and Bakugou weren't joining the class as well, and it somehow made you relieved knowing that you weren't the only one who's missing out.

You headed to your temporary home, which was an apartment located near the school. Apparently, both Aizawa and All Might are living here, and it so happens that your apartment room is located in between theirs. What are the odds of these two shit heads kicking the person living here out of this place?

You entered your temporary home and slipped your shoes off before making your way to the kitchen and decided to make some coffee. I'd give anything to have a taste of some of Giri's rum.

After prepping the coffee maker, you made your way inside your room and tossed your shoulder bag randomly on the floor. Yes, you decided to bring a bag at the last day of class. Fuck it, right?

You slipped out of your uniform and changed into a comfortable tank top and joggers. You made your way back to the kitchen and produced a mug from the cupboards before pouring your brewed coffee in to the vessel. You sat at the kitchen table, glaring at the steam that rose up from the hot liquid.

"Feeling lonely, Princess?" your eyes snapped wide open as your head turned to the side, seeing a familiar purplish-black figure walking towards you, a bottle of rum on one hand and two fat rum glasses on the other.

"Giri!!" you greeted as you rushed to him to give him the biggest hug you can muster. He chuckled as you felt him pat your head. "What took you so long?"

"Well, we've got our hands full over the past few days," he replied and you released him from the hug, leading the both of you to the table. He poured you a glass of his drink, immediately noting the label on the bottle that it's one of his strongest collections.

"Oh that's the strongest one on the pack, ain't it Giri?" you commented as you happily accepted the glass, immediately forgetting the mug of coffee on the table.

He nodded as he poured himself his own share before lifting the glass, "Cheers."

You chuckled as you clicked your rum glass against his before downing the glass in one swig. Your throat burned as heat spread all over your insides, but it was welcomed, especially with all the shit that had happened over the past few weeks. "Where were you guys?"

Kurogiri placed his glass down, only having taken a sip from his glass as he was a 'professional' drinker. You mentally scoffed at the thought. He replied, "Like I said, we were busy, especially that both you and Stain were captured. I couldn't find your location and it wasn't until one of Master's accomplices claimed to have seen you wandering around this area that I had come up with a conclusion that you were being held detained by UA."

You nodded as Kurogiri filled your glass again. "Are you taking me back?" you asked as you glared at the amber liquid.

"As much as I wanted to," he replied. "Shigaraki wanted you to stay for a while longer."

Your brows perked up. "What do you mean by a while longer? Are you guys up to something?"

Kurogiri reached down to his vest pockets, producing a glossed paper and sliding it towards you. You took it in your hands and your brows scrunched. On the paper was an image of Katsuki Bakugou, his mouth was concealed in a muffler and he looks like he was tied up. "What's this?"

"Shigaraki had an eye for him ever since the sports festival ended," Kurogiri explained. "Isn't his situation the same as the rest of the world? Those who won't study to become pro heroes have to live under the law that suppresses the use of an individual's quirk. Don't you think so too?"

Your eyes studied the photo. Bakugou was definitely enraged over something, although you do not know the reason why. You haven't watched the entire sports festival anyways, so you let it slip by. "You're saying that I help you guys in obtaining him?"

"No," he replied, catching you off guard. "There are a few individuals who approached us earlier and they claimed that they joined because of Stain's ideals. And since the whole world thought that Stain was truly working for the League, they decided to carry out his ideals together with us."

Your lips pouted in thought. So, Stain was the trigger the League needed, huh?

"They will be the ones to extract our target," Kurogiri further explained. "Your job is to make sure that everything goes smoothly."

"How am I supposed to do that?" you inquired. "They literally had me on a leash. And even if you take me with you right now, it will make no difference."

"True, but I trust that you'll know what to do, Princess. Isn't it why Master had personally trained you?"

You paused as you remembered the words All for One spoke in that video. I'll raise you as my own.

Biting your lip, you returned the photo to the mist. "I'll do the best I could, but don't expect me to save their asses if their plans go south." You drank the amber liquid.

Kurogiri seemed satisfied with your answer as he stuffed the photo back in his vest pocket. "I'll keep in touch with you later on. Oh, and if you ever meet up with Shigaraki, please don't tell him I went to tell you of our plans."

"Why is that?" you asked as you watched him refill his glass.

He was silent for a moment before saying, "Because we wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, don't we?"

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