𝕀𝕀𝕀: 𝕀𝕥'𝕤 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣

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Everything happened in a blur of fists and fast moving bodies.

Even though you enhanced the Noumu with your quirk, All Might still managed to come up on top as he sent the Noumu flying out of the facility.

All Might stood surrounded by steam as he taunted Shigaraki to fight him as it was his mission to kill him. You looked at the light blue-haired villain, sensing that he was panicking as he began to scratch his neck.

Kurogiri told him to calm down as he knew that the Noumu had dealt a significant amount of damage to All Might. Shigaraki's gaze landed on you. Your quirk was still holding down the students, who only seemed to struggle as they tried to break themselves free. "Snowflake."

Shigaraki didn't have to say anymore. You knew what he was thinking. Releasing your hold on the group of kids, you, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri charged at All Might. With your rapier at the ready, you summoned a black glyph beneath him, making sure his movements will be hindered if he decided to move.

The three of you approached the pro hero: Kurogiri had warped Shigaraki's hand in front of All Might as you took a big leap, aiming to impale him with your weapon, but the green haired kid charged at you, his arm pulled back to deliver a powerful punch. You braced for the impact as you summoned a black glyph in between the two of you when a warp gate appeared in front of him with Shigaraki's hand reaching out towards him.

You swore that you saw Shigaraki barely touch him, but a gun shot rang through the air before you felt a stinging pain on your upper arm, making you drop your rapier.

"Princess!" Kurogiri called as you clutched your bleeding arm.

"It's game over," you heard Shigaraki. "Let's get out of here, Kurogiri."

Kurogiri was about to activate his quirk when Thirteen suddenly used his quirk on him. You gritted your teeth before you picked up your rapier, aiming it at the heavily damaged hero before summoning another black glyph in front of him, blocking his extended hand. "Let's go!"

Kurogiri produced a gate; Shigaraki pushed you in before you can protest. You ended up landing on the couch while your rapier dropped to the floor as your arm continued to bleed. A moment later, Shigaraki appeared along with Kurogiri and a few surviving villains. Your eyes caught Shigaraki's right hand that was bleeding. A scowl formed in your features. Not only did those pesky heroes went pass your defenses, they also managed to harm both you and Shigaraki. Although you were thankful that the wounds weren't life threatening, it would certainly have an impact in your training and combat.

"Let's get you fixed up," Kurogiri's soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You nodded as you stood up and followed him to the bar. You sat on the stool as he produced a first aid kit from beneath. He helped you take off your bolero before proceeding to remove the bullet, cleaning and stitching your wound. After the procedure, he wrapped your arm in bandages before walking over to Shigaraki's crouching figure on the floor.

Shigaraki seemed to be complaining about something, but you did not bother to listen as you decided to go upstairs and change out of your dress. But you stopped in your tracks when you heard a deep voice answer from the blank monitor located near the wall.

"We merely got ahead of ourselves," the voice spoke. "Yes, we underestimated him. Good thing that League of Villains came in cheap. Anyways, what of our creation? Did you manage to retrieve the Noumu?"

"He was sent flying," Kurogiri replied. "And unless we can ascertain its precise coordinates, no amount of warping will let us find him."

"After all the trouble we went through to make him as strong as All Might," the voice seemed to ponder from wherever he was. "Well, that's too bad."

A thought seemed to pass by Shigaraki's mind as he suddenly remembered a student. "There was one kid who seemed just as fast as All Might."

Your eyes widened as you remembered the green haired kid earlier. "Without that pest, Snowflake might've killed All Might. But that brat . . ."

"Ah, Snowflake, are you there?" the voice asked and you stepped forward, stopping beside Shigaraki.

"I'm here, sensei," you croaked. You never knew his real name, only that he had accepted you with open arms and introduced you to Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

"How is your training going?" he inquired.

"I've improved significantly, sensei, all thanks to your guidance," you bowed, even though you knew that he couldn't see you.

"Very good," you can picture him smile from the other side. "Soon, you'll be in par with all the high ranking pro heroes out there, and you'll surpass all of them with your special quirk."

You smiled, feeling your ego inflate at the praise he had given you. You thanked the man before excusing yourself. As you made your way to the door, you heard the man speak again.

"No use crying over spilled milk. Gather stronger troops and take all the time you need," the voice instructed. "Tomura Shigaraki! Next time, the world will know of the terror you represent!"

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