𝕏𝕀𝕍: 𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡 - 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥!

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It's finally summer break and you and the rest of Class 1-A are headed to the new location of your summer camp.

The bus was alive with chatter from your classmates. And since you're at the very back and stuck in between Yaoyorozu and Todoroki, you were quite thankful that the two weren't that talkative. Your earphones did nothing to drown the chatter in front of you, but nevertheless, you were somehow glad to see everyone in such high spirits.

: :

An hour later, your bus had stopped over a parking space. You noticed that there was already a yellow car parked near the edge, so you assumed that you did a stopover for a bathroom break.

You adjusted your tiara on your head as you walked off the bus. It's been awhile since you've worn the accessory that Kurogiri bought you, and it wouldn't harm anyone if you brought it with you in camp. I still don't understand why they made us wear our school uniforms, though.

You noticed that Minoru Mineta was fantically looking for a place to pee. Strange. Isn't this supposed to be a stopover? Where are the restrooms?

"Sensei, where's Class B?"

You heard Aizawa mumble something under his breath when a feminine voice called out to him, catching your attention. "Yooo! Eraser Head! You haven't contacted us in a while!"

Your eyes fell on two middle-aged women who seemed to be wearing a hero costume design after a cat. Then a name flashed into your mind but apparently, Aizawa beat you to it.

"The pro heroes who'll be looking after you lot are members of the 'Pussycats.'"

"Whoaa! They're a hero group comprising a joint office of four big names in one team!" Midoriya stated enthusiastically. "And they're a team of veterans who specialize in mountain rescue!! This will mark the twelfth year of their caree–"

Midoriya was cut off by a hand–paw–to his face from the woman wearing a light blue version of their hero costume stating that they are 18 at heart.

The woman wearing a red version of their costume spoke, "We actually own this whole area and your lodge is at the base of that mountain!"

Your eyes widened as you suddenly realize the reason why you stopped here. Oh gods. Not like this.

"Huh? Then why did we stop halfway to getting there?" Uraraka asked. And then a sudden realization seemed to dawn on everyone.

"Right now it's 9:30 am. If you make it early, you might get there at around 12!" the red-haired woman stated with an innocent smile.

Then one of the students shouted to head back to the bus and you heard feet shuffling, but you were too busy admiring the open space in front of you. You hadn't seen a forest for as long as you can remember, so the scene in front of you looked refreshing. You smiled softly as a soft wind blew against you. Then the ground beneath you seemed to shake before you and the rest of the class were thrown off the cliff.

"Sorry kids! Your training camp has already begun!" What the fuck?!


The moment you heard that you can use your quirks freely, you immediately created a glyph beneath you and used it to slowly lower you to the ground. Your classmates had unfortunately fallen on the hard ground. Great, now my uniform is dirty.

You suddenly notice Mineta rush towards the trees when beast-like golems appeared in front of him. Mineta was frozen on his spot as you heard Kouji Kouda used his quirk on the golem, but with no success.

"Mineta, move!" you called as you summoned a black glyph below Mineta and in between him and the golem. You dragged him away in just in time as the golem swung its arms down, hitting your glyph.

Without your rapier, your summoned glyph was weak. It cracked the moment the golem made contact, but it held. A few more hits and it will break. Your eyes narrowed in determination.

You summoned a time dilation glyph beneath the golem, halting it's movements before you summoned a black glyph beneath it, making a crushing motion with your hand, the golem immediately crumbled to dust.

Another golem appeared but before you can use your quirk against it, figures ran past you and charged at the golem, completely destroying it.

If Aizawa had allowed you to come to this summer camp, was it because he noticed that you need to train your quirk some more? Or was it because he needed extra security? Either way, there's no way you'd lose to these kids.

A sinister grin formed on your face, but Midoriya didn't miss it as he turned around to check on you.

Watch how a villain rises to the top, shit heads.

: :

The moment you and the rest of the class emerged from the forest, the sun was already setting.

You feel pretty beat as you walked beside Mina Ashido, and since you were using your quirk nonstop with just a twig, you felt the drawbacks of your quirk finally surfacing.

At the very least, you felt nauseous–that same type of nauseousness you felt after summoning that much glyph against All Might–and your arms felt like they're going to go numb.

"Little over two hours my ass," you heard Hanta Sero complain.

"My bad," the red head woman stated. "I meant by our standards."

"So it was just to boast huh?"

"Honestly, I thought you'd take longer to have figured out my awakened earth beast so quickly and easily," the blond Pussycat stated pointing at you and the four figures who were suddenly were in front of you.

Wait, how did I end up behind them when I was with Ashido?

"You guys are good, especially you five," a blank expression was plastered on your face. "Your lack of hesitation and indecisiveness, I take it that comes from the experiences you have acquired, eh?"

Your brows rose. She doesn't look like it, but she's observant. You thought to yourself as you decided to move out of the way, not wanting the attention you just received. But then an arm wrapped around your neck as the person had you in a headlock. "Especially you, Snowflake."

You scoffed, "Let me go, Pixie-Bob."

"Aww, c'mon!" her hold on you tightened and you felt your airways being restricted. Your hands went up to her arms as you tried to pry them off you. "It's not every day we get to torture a villain."

"Pixie-Bob!" Aizawa called. "She's under my care."

"Aww, c'mon, Eraser Head. She caused us a fair amount of trouble a few years ago. I can't just let her walk around this area freely without giving her a taste of her own medicine," Pixie-Bob whispered in your ear, making shivers run down your spine.

Narrowing your eyes, you summoned a black glyph beneath the two of you and you felt her loosen her hold on you. Sighing, you easily pulled out of her grip and distanced yourself before freeing her.

"Like I said," Aizawa stated and went to your side and placed a hand on your shoulder. "She's with me. We are under an agreement that she will only act under my permission."

Pixie-Bob pouted before muttering 'fine' under her breath. Your eyes fell on the brunette who seemed concerned with her comrade. A tch left your lips as you shrugged his hand off and walked away from the scene with your hands inside the pockets of your skirt.

This summer camp is going to suck big time.

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