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Mark🖍: So it's been a week are we gonna finish introductions?

#: Lol I thought everyone blocked me

#: 😂


Youngjae☀️: Please don't be sad we were just busy the last few days.

#: 😢 now I'm over here wishing I could give you a hug

Youngjae☀️: *sends virtual hug*

#: 😄😄

👑Queen: UwU

Jackson🔪: ^

Bambam😨: ^^

Maknae😧: ^^^

Youngjae☀️: 😊

Jackson 🔪: So who's going next for the intros?

👑Queen: ig I will

👑Queen: Hello, I'm Jinyoung. I enjoy reading in my spare time and ig I'm kinda like the mom of this group

#: Wait really?

Maknae😧: yeah we probably would have died of starvation without Jinyoung.

#: So you love to cook?

👑Queen: Yup 😊

#: Same here! Even though I still can't make a pancake without setting it on fire.

BamBam😨: Lmao

#: Its hard, okay? 😅

👑Queen: Mk, so who is going next?

Maknae😧: I'll go

Maknae😧: I'm Yugyeom. I love to  dance, and I'm the youngest of the group.

Mark🖍: All true but he is still fucking taller then all of us

Jaebum🐸: It's like having little kid running around in the body of a giant

Maknae😧: I'm not that tall

Queen👑: Hush child the grown ups are talking

BamBam😨: Oof

Queen👑: BamBam what did I JUST say?

Jackson🔪: Ok, so... who's next

BamBam😨: I'll go if Jinyoung will allow it?

Queen👑: Is that sass? 🔪

BamBam😨: No 🙂

Queen👑: Mhm, continue

BamBam😨: Hi! You can call me BamBam. Dabing is my life! And if you ever want to go shoe shopping hmu

#: Honestly, over here looking my closet and seeing the five pairs of black converse and the one set of heels I use for work 😂

#: But I'll definitely keep it in mind 😁

BamBam😨: 😁

Jackson🔪: ig the last spot goes to Mr. sexy and chic

Maknae😧: Where are you even taking that, anymore 😒

Jackson🔪: To my grave

Queen👑: Well

Queen👑:.....So JB your up

Jaebum🐸: Ok. Hi my name is Jaebum, I'm of in charge of this... whatever it is... and yeah what Jackson said

Jackson🔪: SEE it's working!!

Mark🖍:😧 I can't with you anymore

Youngjae☀️: But MARKSON 😢

Jaebum🐸: great job Mark you made the sun sad

Mark🖍: Its not my fault he ships everyone

#: Mark hush

#: You don't understand the struggles of a die hard shipper

Youngjae☀️: 🚢🚢🚢

#: I think this is the start of a great friend ship 😉

Youngjae☀️: 🚢😂

Maknae: ...

Maknae😧: Well there is only one person missing

BamBam😨: Ahh! I don't know why I'm so excited anymore 😅

Queen👑: ^ Its curiosity child

Mark🖍: ^^

#: Guys I'm sorry, but I have to go, like RN.

#: I hate to be a buzz kill but it's important

#: I'm so so sorry I'll text tomorrow or well later, Idk

#: Bye!

Jackson🔪: What the hell just happened?

Jaebum🐸: ^

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