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BamBam😨: Guys I'm lost where the hell is this hotel?!

Jaebum🐸: How tf are you lost? We are legit in Thai Land

Makane😧: Lamo Jb just because Bambam is Thai doesn't mean he knows everywhere In Thai Land

Bambam😨: Actually I visited Pattaya a lot as a kid I should really know were I'm going 😂

Lane💐: Holy Shit you guys are in Pattaya?!

Mark🖍: Yeah!

Queen👑: Bam visted his mom for a week and now he is meeting us out at our hotel

Lane💐: Omg I wish I could be over there again I've been in Colombia for over a month 😧

Youngjae☀️: You've been to Thai Land before?!

Lane💐: Hell Yeah! I love Pattaya my Dad owns a business there

Bambam😨: He has a business here?

Lane💐: Yeah when my dad retired he opened a business in Pattaya and runs it with my step mom

Youngjae☀️: Omg that so cute!

Mark🖍: ikr

Lane💐: Lamo my step mom seems super innocent but she was the one who taught me how to pick up guys on the beach

Maknae😧: Parenting 101 😂

Jackson☕: Guys I just got out of the pool what's happening?

Queen👑: Bambam is lost, Lane wants to leave Colombia, her Dad owns a business in Pattaya

Lane💐: Hey Jackson

Jackson☕: Lane!

Youngjae☀️: UwU My new fucking OTP!

BamBam😨: When sunshine swears you know sjgr 😂

Mark🖍: Also Lane' s stepmom taught her to pick up foreign dudes on the beach

Jackson☕: WHAT

Lane💐: It never worked but yeah 😂

Maknae😧: Lol Jackson was about to go OFF

Youngjae☀️: I could smell the jealously

Lane💐: Seriously? 😂

Youngjae☀️: Yeah it smells like...

Maknae😧: Lobster?

Younjae☀️: Yeah...

Jaebum🐸: Wtf?

Maknae😧: I ordered lobster

Jackson☕: I-

Lane💐: I'm dead 😂

20 minutes later

BamBam😨: Guys I'm still lost

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