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So there Athena sat, looking at Luna's really shocked face.

"So let me get this straight." The older said pointing at the girl with her glass, tea bottle. "You Athena Lane, the girl who can't even look her crush in the eye is talking with seven, hot, Korean men."

"I never said the were hot. I don't even kn-" The younger commented but was cut off. Was this becoming a thing?

"Look, I just need to know one thing..." Luna said looking Athena dead straight in the eyes. The stare was defining and urgent, seriousness was written all over her face. "Is one of them named Taehyung?"

"Luna... what? No. What are you talking about?" Luna cracked a smile accompanied by a small laugh. She started to walk to the kitchen. "Nothing, just try not to get yourself in trouble. This.... it just feels sketchy."

Athena promptly nooded when her best friend returned with two mugs of hot chocolate. "By the way, some rich guy in Colombia hired us. He wants his daughter to know basic English for something in a week."

Athena sat there while stirring the contents in her mug. Luna was talking about the company they had together. When Athena was a senior in high school she read somewhere about how listening and being emersed in a language was the best way to learn one. When she left went home that day Luna came over with her parents and gave the idea for a business idea.
So now there years later, they have a thriving bisnusee, traveling the globe and getting payed to stay in a rich person's guest room and speak to them in a specific language for however long they were payed. Being honest, Athena didn't know how it worked out so well, but the two girls were living it up, so she wasn't complaining.

"Ok" The younger said taking a sip from her mug.

"You should get some rest," Luna told her stretching her arms. "You leave in a few days."

Athena nodded once again and looked to her friend. "What about you?"

"The guy just hired one us," The older said. "I went on the last solo job."

"Okay. I'm going to bed.What about you?" Athena ask her.

"I have some calculating to do... you know boring stuff" Luna answered putting in her ear buds. "But I'll be jamming out to Got7 while I do it!"

Athena smiled at her, went to her room, and collapsed on her bed. It's been a long night.

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