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It had been a few days since the giant game of hide and seek.

Luna and Athena has both finished their sessions for the day, and the boys where downstairs practicing.

"I am crazy bored." Athena sighed as the two laid on the couch.

"Well what do you want to do?" Luna asked her.

"Let's talk about you and JB." The younger answered, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing happened."

"I saw you two in the kitchen."

"No, you left me in the kitchen."

"Because you two were ~vibing~"

"No we were not"

"Yes you were"

"Well, how am I supposed not to he is CRAZY FUCKING HOT."

Athena started laughing. "Where's the lie?"

"Look he came on to me, which was... woah. But I don't want a relationship. I'm still trying to get over some stuff." Luna replied looking down at the glass tea bottle in her lap.


"It's fine. I'm fine. Really, but to be honest if I am "vibing" it is with someone else."

"What?!! Love triangle?!! S P I L L!!!!!!!"

"I probably shouldn't-"

"S P I L L!"


"Luna~" The younger whined.

"Fine... I guess you could say... I like Jinyoung??" Luna squeaked out.

"Welp, I am officially d e a d."

"No you can't die. I need F O O D!!!"

" 1) um goals 2) Ask him out!!"

"Yes I should totally ask out the famous, insanely handsome, funny, and kind person who is also my student." Luna sarcastically remarked.

"What ever floats your boat." Athena said shrugging her shoulders.


"Look Luna, I just want you to get over your stupid ex and if Jinyoung helps you do that, then so be it."

"How do you even know he is even single?"

"Of cou-... shit I forgot about that."


"Remember the first time you found me talking with the guys?"

"Over the phone? I remember. T O T A L shocker btw."

"Hey! Well anyways, before you came in we touched over the subject of Jinyoung and Mark dating."

"He's gay?!" Luna exclaimed as the realization hit her. She moped back into the couch. "Their goes my love life."

"No, well idk... they sounded like they were joking." She said to her sulking friend.

"So we have no way of knowing? Great." Luna replied as she returned to mope.

"How about... we do some sleuthing?"


"I still can't believe you talked me into this." Luna told the younger, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Well, we already did it so there is no going back." Athena started "So, did you find anything?"

"Nothing that says Markjin is real and nothing that says that it is not." Luna replied with a sigh.

"Same." Athena responded. "we could loo-"

"No, no more please. My conscience can't take it anymore." Luna interrupted. "Come on." She said grabbing the younger's hand, walking out the apartment, into the elevator.

"Where are we going???" Asked a confused Athena.

"We are going to the studio to ask him." Luna muttered

"Um, S L A Y!" She cheered

"I got this." The older whispered to herself.

That's when the elevator doors opened to the floor of the dance studio. The two walked down the hallway to the studio door.

"Chief, this is it." Athena referenced, trying to take off the edge a little bit.

"I-" Luna sighed, and then smiled. "Let's pray I don't mess this up."

Her heart pounded like a drum and her hands started to shake as she turned the door nob.

She took a deep breath and could feel the adrenaline and confidence pump through her viens.

She opened the door, and with perfect posture, a piercing gaze, and bouncing hips. She strutted into the room.

If things went south, she would make sure to make him regret his decision. But, honestly, who could resist her?

Athena was a step behind her when she realized something.

The people in the room weren't Got7

"Chief, this anit it."


"Who are you two?" Woojin asked.

Yes, the two walked in on a Stray Kids practice.

Luna slightly face palmed herself before answering "I am sorry we didn't mean to interrupt, we were looking for someone else." She took Athena's shoulder as they walked to the door. "The guys probably left to get food. We can wait for them upstairs." Athena waved a slight good bye.

"Wait!" Hyunjin abruptly exclaimed. "Oops sorry, I meant to say who are you looking for we could probably help you."

"That's very kind of you, but Got7 pops up and disappears when ever they like." Luna replied.

"Got7?!" Jisung repeated, quite confused.

"Oooh" Bang Chan interrupted, realizing who the girls were. "You must be their English teachers. Bambam talks about the two of you all the time."

"What? Bam talks about us?" Athena asked. She was shocked.

"Yeah, you must be Athena, the sweet little fluf ball with legendary cooking skills." He told her.

Athena blushes"Aww he said that about me! I'll cook something for him today! Maybe some chicken-"

"CHICKEN??!!" Woojin interrupted.

Chris quickly changed the subject "Which means you must be Luna, very quick witted and lots of fun to be around." He said looking her up and down. "But holy hell, Bambam's description did not give you justice."

That's when Changbin came in and flicked his forehead. "Why are such a big flirt. Apologize."

"No, no it's fine." Luna answered reassuring them. She tried her best to be professional around the new people.

"Omg Bam was right! Too cute!" Everyone turned to Felix who was back hugging Athena, with his head on top of hers. Athena, on the other hand looked uncomfortable as she stood still with bright red cheeks.

"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU OPOSITE GENDER LEACH!!" Luna braked. This made Felix slightly jump as he went back to his group members.

"Damn that's what you call dasi run." Seungmin remarked, slightly laughing.

After a second she realized what had come out of her mouth. "I am so so sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I-"

"It's fine." Bang Chan replied trying hard not to laugh too. "I get it you are protective of her. That's the same with me and these idiots."

"HEY!!" The room erupted.

"Ok ok, chill guys!!" He chuckled. "Anyways, if you really want to make it up to me. Let's go on a date." Chan told Luna as he passed her his number, on a little slip of paper. "It could be fun, Love."

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