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Athena was awaken by the sound of the pilot on the plane intercom. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to inform you that we will be landing Seoul, South Korea in a matter of minutes. So please buckle up and prepare for landing."


"Damn that was a long flight." Luna said stretching her arms.

The two girls had gotten of the plane and were now waiting at baggage claim.

"It didn't feel like that long." Athena said, eyeing her black and white polka dotted bag. She swooped it up, and since Luna already got her, the two started walking to customs.

"Maybe for you." The older yawned "You were asleep the whole time."

"Its not my fault you were over obsessing over some boy band." Athena retailed. Luna lightly punched the younger's arm as they aproched the gate.

Once the two successfully made it through customs the headed into the bathroom to change. "So what's the deal. Fancy Dinner, or office meeting?" Athena asked. Even though she wasn't swept by her clients being a boy band, they were still her clients she had to look presentable.

"Actually, since it's late, we are going to meet the boys, get our rooms, and start tommorow." Luna told her. Athena forgot that they were gonna live with them. What's the worst that could happen?

"So we are just meeting them? That's all?" Athena asked one more time. The older nodded.

Scratch out looking presentable.

The younger wore an oversized yellow sweater with black, ripped, skinny, jeans and converse.  On the other hand Luna wore shorts with a maroon, holter top, tank, a camo jacket and combat boots.

They took one last look in the mirror and walked out.

Once they got to the greeting center, they found a nice looking older man, holding a sign with there names.

He helped them with there bags and directed them towards a black limo.

"Damn." Athena whispered to Luna. The older just gave her a smug smile as her closed the car door.

Now, they were going to meet Got7.

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