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"So where are we going?" Luna asked. The four were currently driving down the streets of Seoul, with Bang Chan at shot gun and Athena in between Felix and Luna.

"You'll have to wait to find out." Bang Chan replied.

That's when Athena turned to Felix for an answer but he awkwardly smiled and said "It's fine we are almost there anyways and why ruin the surprise?" This reassured the girl as she turned the other way to look out Luna's window.

When the four got out of the car they made it to a board walk from there Athena could see a fairess wheel up in the distance. She marveled at the sight "I have not been on a fairess wheel since I was little! We should totally go!"

"Don't worry we will." Felix responded his arm linked with hers. "But what do you think about food first?"

She looked up at him and smiled. "I think that's a great idea." Maybe today wasn't going to be so bad after all.

But behinds the two was an enraged Luna and a Bang Chan trying to calm said Luna down. "Why, did he have to grab her arm like that??"

That's when the boy started to chuckle.


"Let those kids live in there own world for a minute or two." He told her looking at the two ahead of them. He then proceeded to drape his arm around the girl's shoulders. "And maybe we will be able to live in our own."

"I want to fight it, but it was so smooth I can't." She answered, in a small burst of giggles.

He started to laugh with her as they went off to catch up with the other two crazy kids.


"What do you have there?" Bang Chan asked Luna as the both of them waited on Athena and Felix to pick a place to eat.

The two sat on a wooden bench in front of a few plush, green, brushes.

"Just a glass bottle." She answered curtly and then in efforts we to change the subject said "We should go help them pick before we all starve to death." He nodded as they got up however, stopped for a split second. He had a bad feeling, and little did he know that in those same bushes was Got7.

"Ok kids so here is the deal-" JB started.

"I'm older then you." Mark interrupted.

"I- ... here is the plan. I need one of you to disguise as a waiter and pour this on Felix and Bang Chan's food." JB told them holding a small flask with a light brown powder inside.

"I can't believe we are gonna drug them." Jackson mentioned as he looked at the flask.

"Woah. "

"First this was your idea." Jaebum said. "and two it's not the drugs that you are thinking of, it's crushed laxatives."


"So who is gonna do this?"

"On it." Youngjae blurted as he grabbed the flask and a fake mustache.

"Why the mustache?" Mark asked

"It makes the job a thousand times better." The younger replied, as he set off.

"Ok." JB told them. "Now I need one to tell Jinyoung phase one-one is complete and the other to snap some pictures of the four of them."

"I'm just glad we haven't fucked up yet." Jackson replied as he grabbed the walkie talkie.

"Emphasis on yet." Mark added as he took out his phone.


"Ok we got the signal." Jinyoung announced to Bam and Yug who were looking at the four people from the balcony of a near building. "Yugyeom, I need you to start snapping some pictures of them together. Bam I need you to get on some media sites."

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