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"First question." JB said through the phone "What does Lane tell you about us?"

Luna moved closer to the phone "Well, every time she talks about you she is smiling." Luna told him especially thinking about the time she talked about her mystery caller.

"Next question." Youngjae interjected scooting closer to JB who had the phone. "The other time we called Lane. You called her A? What does that mean?"

"I can't answer that." Luna answered him. She didn't want to drop any names.

"What about your business?" Mark spoke up.

"What about it?" Luna asked.

"What is it?" he questioned the girl

"We work for the American FBI." She told him monotonly.

"What?!" The Yugyeom yelled. Not expecting that answer.

"She is being sarcastic. Your too young to understand." Jinyoumg said from a cross them at the kitchen countertop.

"Don't correct him while you are over there reading that dumb book." Bambam retaliated to his hyung.

"Its not dumb it's Jane Eyre it's a classic!" He corrected the boy decked out in Gucci.

"I love that book! It's been my favorite ever since I was a kid." Luna said excitedly talking into the phone.

"See she gets it!" Jinyoung had to agree with the stranger "I have been wanting to talk about it since I read it but I am with these... people 24/7 straight so..." He said trailing off.

"Same! Lane does not do books." The girl answered slightly laughing.

Athena gave her a glare yet the older just replied with "Oh hush child you know it's true."

That's when Jinyoung knew.

They would be best friends.

"Yeah... Jackson I'm taking your phone." He said picking it up, taking it off speaker and putting it into his ear.

"Same here Lane." Luna answered doing the same thing.

"So what should I call you?" The asked simultaneously.

"Oh um... call me Mo." The girl answered remembering her childhood nick name.

"Its nice to meet you Mo. I'm J."

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