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The limo had stopped in front of a huge building.

Athena looked in awe as her sight traveled up, what seeemed like, the never ending building.

Luna was the first to get out of the car.  "Don't get me wrong A, I love Got7, but the sooner we meet them, the sooner we get to sleep." She grabbed her and Athena's bags and the two head towards the door.

When the two went up to the front desk, they were greeted by a warm smile. "Hello my name is Mai. I am the one who set everything up."

The two stood in shock. How did she know? They just blinked back at her.

"You are Athena and Luna aren't you?" The girl asked. The two nodded and then were whisked away by Mai.

The three entered the elevator as Mai started to brief them. "The boys are in the studio waiting to meet you. Once that's done there will be two cars outside to take you to their dorm."

The two nodded once more. Mai took another breath and kept going. "Since two of the members already know English they will mainly be there to amplify the others. One last thing," The girl said turning around with a kind expression."The boys... they are a little...insane but I promise they mean well."

Luna had to keep in her laughter at Athena's face. The younger was petrified.

Mai looked at Athena and then Luna. "Oh she is fine. She was just already a little worried living with so many guys." The older told her.

Luna lightly whacked the younger with her glass bottle to snap her out of it. Athena in return turned away in a huff.

But I reality it was to hide her blush.

The elevator doors opened and the three girls walked down the hall to a set of white double doors.

Luna looked at Athena. The younger gave a determined nod and Mai opened the doors.

The three walked into utter chaos.

Jinyoung was chasing Yug. With Mark chasing too trying to stop it.

Jackson was doing push ups

Youngjae was hiding under the table, from bam who was chucking Skittles everywhere

And JB layed flat on the floor exhausted and lifeless.

Mai, cleared her throat. Everyone stopped what they were doing and then lined up against the wall.

"Great job guys. You know how they say first impressions are important." Mai sarcasticaly remarked as she turned back to the girls with the mortified faces. "Good luck." That was the last thing she said before she walked out.

After a moment of awkward silence, Luna had finally decided to speak up. "Hello, my name is Luna and this is Athena. We have been hired to teach you how to speak English. However, I hope we can get along as friends."

Athena, at this point had been mostly hiding behide Luna. But she peeked out a slightly waved at the smiling guys.

"Hello I am JB," at this Athena's mind started to wonder.

It happened too quickly.

How her world changed.

That sounds familiar

"I am Mark"

Wow that's funny

"I am Jinyoung"

What a coincidence

"I am Youngjae"


"I am BamBam"

There is no way

"I am Yugyeom"

No. No. No!

"and I am Jackson." Then together the boys said "and we are Got7."

Athena was mortified, at the brink of tears, and frozen, all at once.

It was them. It was really them.

The group chat?!?!?!

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