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Athena looked at her phone in a bit of shock.

Why the hell would he call her?

She cautiously opened her messages and looked down the small string of private messages.

Jackson🔪: Hey Lane?

Jackson🔪: Is something wrong?

Jackson🔪: Are you ok? Idk why, but I'm worried 😓

Missed call from Jackson🔪

Jackson🔪: Call me when you get this

Athena was in awe. She didn't know what to think and just stared at her phone.

A few minutes went by of the girl thinking what the hell could be going through his mind.

They barley knew each other. Was this a normal thing? Could this-

"Hey A are you ok?" Luna asked, break Athena away from her thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just gonna step out for a quick sec." The girl told Luna as she stood up and walked out the door.

No of course not. She was just feeding into her own delusions again.

The girl sighed and started to unlock her phone.

Lane💐: Hey Jackson, sorry I didn't answer sooner 😅

Lane💐: There is no need to be worried, I'm ok I promise. I was just busy.

Jackson🔪: I am too, the more I read the texts the more I realized how paranoid they sounded

Jackson🔪: ig since I added you I feel like I'm responsible for you in some way

Jackson🔪:ughhh I sound crazy

Lane💐: No, you don't... you actually sound really sweet 😶

Lane💐: But I don't want you feeling responsible for me... you barley know me, I can take care of myself. Okay?

Jackson🔪: Okay... But I still want to know what happened?

Lane💐: But nothing happened 😂

Jackson🔪: Then why did you sound so worried?

Lane💐: Because I started panicking of wtf was happening around me

Jackson🔪: So something DID happen?!

Lane💐: Fine... some shit went down 😧

Lane💐: But it's not my shit to tell

Lane💐: Sorry I just don't trust you enough

Jackson🔪: But I want you to trust me

Jackson🔪: However cheesy that sounds 😅

Lane💐: 😂 okay yeah... that was pretty bad

Jackson🔪: Look, Lane... The way I choose to live my life doesn't allow me to get close with a lot of people so when I added you to the group chat I saw it as a chance to.

Jackson🔪: Just answer Okay?

Lane💐: Answer what?

Athena slightly jumped as her phone started to vibrate in her hands.

Jackson was calling her again.

"Should I answer?" The girl muttered. She started panicking. She went to Luna but the girl was out cold.

It was already, 1am.

Athena took in a deep breath and sat her down on her living room sofa.

"This goes against everything I know about internet safety..." She told her self looking down at the phone. The call was close to endeding "Shit. This is crazy, reckless and stupid....... SHIT!!"

The girl took in another deep breath and pressed, answer.


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