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"Yeah but a douchebag I fell in love with." The girl quietly answered.

That's when Athena noticed the glass water bottle Luna was holding. The latter always kept near, saying it reminded her of him.

She could still remember how it all went down. They were walking through the park. Luna had just, opened another bottle of her favorite ice tea, but accidentally dropped the lid. The little piece of circular metal started rolling away from her, and when she went to pick it up someone beat her to it. That's how she met Asher.

"You wanna know the worst part?" Athena noded as she noticed her friend's glassy eyes.

"I found them in MY office." Luna told her while laughing. However the laughter, quickly became sobs and cries.

Athena, quickly hugged her friend once again. "How about this" she suggested. "I'll go grab my laptop and we can watch all the music videos from your favorite kpop groups."

"Does this mean your finally warming up to the genre?" Luna asked. She started to perk up since the girl was die heart fan.

"I admit, the music is good and I could totally see me listening to it." Athena told her. "But I think I'm going to stick to rocking out to My Chemical Romance and Fallout Boy."

"Your loss girl." Luna said with a now full smile and it made the younger grin I return while she left to get her laptop.

Athena quickly walked into her room and grabbed her laptop.

However while walking back she caught a glimpse of herself in her full length mirror.

Brown hair, brown eyes, and bronze skin. She wasn't tall nor short. She wasn't thin not fat. She was basic, normal, ordinary.

"I guess I have a nice smile?" The 21 year old girl, quietly told her reflection. "is it selfish that I'm somewhat sad, while Luna is in pain. She got her heart broken but at least she opened love to it, first. I've never even gotten past 3 months."

Her chest panged at those words because they were true. Ever since she started dating (which was rarely), Athena would break up with them early on. She was too scared of screwing up and getting her heart broken

Those days she couldn't stop crying and would usually breakdown, only comforted by Luna.

She knew she was poisoning herself. She didn't want to leave those relationship but her heart would not open up.

Athena let out a sigh and turned away from the mirror. "I don't do relationships and I'm not starting now."

She grabbed the laptop that she had earlier placed it on her bed and noticed her phone.

She unplugged it and started back to Luna.

She gave her roommate the computer so she could start searching and sat down next to her.

Thats when Athena finally unlocked her phone.

There were 4 unseen messages and 1 missed phone call.

What, Ms. Athena Lane Rosalina Sanchez didn't expect however was from who.

The in black letters and a knife emoji next to the name "Jackson?"

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